is a script which downloads all audiobooks from an Audible
account and strips the DRM.
Get your activation-bytes
from Audible using
Create "resources/config.edn" by copying "resources/sample.config.edn"
and add your activation-bytes
to the newly created file.
expects to find a file located in "resources/library.html"
with the entire contents of your Audible library located on that page.
It will parse the page and download each audiobook into a folder
with the author's name and the filename as the name of the book.
You can get this file by logging into your Audible account in a browser and going to your My Books page and saving the page as "library.html".
Make sure that all books are visible on the page before saving with no pagination.
Optionally build and run the Docker image which contains clojure
, and mp4art
docker build -t palpable .
docker run \
--rm -it \
-v $(pwd)/resources:/usr/src/palpable/resources \
Or simply execute script/
which will generate and execute a
secondary script script/
. It will first download all of
the source audiobooks from Audible and then use the activation-bytes
with ffmpeg
to copy the audio track into a new file without the DRM.
adds the cover art to the new, clean m4b files.
Once done, you'll have the original DRM files from Audible available in "resources/sources/" and the DRM-free variants available in "resources/clean/".