Docker services that I run at home to improve my QoL
- Pi-hole - Network-wide ad blocking & tracking prevention
- REST API - API for homelab services, built with FastAPI
- Hardware, Network, and Docker Diagnostics
- Interface for interacting with the Pi-hole API
- Interface for interacting with the GitHub API
- Interface for interacting with the LeetCode API
- Interface for interacting with the Google Analytics API
- Internet Speed Test
- Dashboard - Dashboard for homelab services, built with React, TypeScript, and Vite
- displays Pi-hole stats
- displays hardware, network, and docker diagnostics
- displays GitHub stats
- displays LeetCode stats
- displays internet speed test results
- Traefik - Reverse proxy
- whoami - Simple HTTP service that prints OS info and HTTP request to output
- Slack Bot - Bot for interacting with homelab services
- Redis Cache - Cache for homelab services
- DB