A simple, console-based, implementation of the game Mastermind
##Description Mastermind is a game where a player acts as a "code-breaker", trying to guess a secret code chosen by the computer. By default the code is 4 digits long, composed of the numbers 1 to 6, and the player will have 10 guesses to get it right.
After each guess, a series of +
and -
symbols will be displayed. Each -
represents a correct number guessed, but in the wrong position. Each +
represents a number guessed in the correct position.
##Settings The default settings can be overridden by providing several optional arguments when launching the game:
Arg - Type - Description
0 - boolean - Sets whether duplicate values should be allowed in the secret code
1 - int - Sets number of guesses give to the user
2 - int - Sets the length of the generated secret code
3 - int - Sets the lower bound (inclusive) for each code value (0-9)
4 - int - Sets the upper bound (inclusive) for each code value (0-9)