Python code for my Raspberry Pi to control the watering of plants on my balcony.
This is part of the Oh, Balcony! project.
The software allows the control of one or multiple pumps (to pump water from a water tank), valves (to control the flow of water through a system of water hoses), soil moisture sensors (for measuring whether plants should be watered), water level sensors (for measuring the water level in a water tank) and temperature sensors.
If you haven't installed an Operating System on your Raspberry Pi then follow my instructions here: Raspberry Pi Installation
The following additional software packages will be required:
Python 3:
sudo apt install python3
Python requests HTTP library:
sudo apt install python3-requests
Python gpiozero library:
sudo apt install python3-gpiozero
Python w1thermsensor library:
sudo apt install python3-w1thermsensor
Python spidev library, which is needed for hardware accelerated SPI. It will also work without, but reading Soil Moisture sensors through an MCP3008 Analog-Digital Converter (ADC) will be a little slower (I measured 1.4ms instead of 0.04ms per reading):
sudo apt install python3-spidev
Additionally the SPI kernel module will need to be enabled. Start the Raspberry Pi configuration tool with
sudo raspi-config
and select Interfacing Options
and then SPI
If a 1-wire temperature sensor (DS18S20, DS1822, DS18B20, DS28EA00, DS1825/MAX31850K) is used, then enable also the 1-wire interface. For that add the following line to the file /boot/config.txt
Note: the pullup=on
is required if you connected the sensor with a parasitic circuit (GND and VDD connected) as described by Martin Kompf. With a non-parasitic circuit it is not needed, as described by Adafruit.
Afterwards the Pi will need to be rebooted for the configuration changes to take effect.
Clone the git repository:
git clone
Copy the file
and adapt it to your needs.
To manually test reading sensor values and turning on/off irrigation, start in testing mode:
To automatically start the script when the Raspberry Pi is rebooted, execute:
crontab -e
... and then add the following line to the crontab:
@reboot sleep 5 && /home/pi/scripts/oh-raspi/
(Replace the full path to the script with the location where you installed it.)
To avoid that the log file grows infinite create the following logrotate rule as /etc/logrotate.d/oh-raspi
/home/pi/scripts/oh-raspi/oh-raspi.log {
rotate 4
(Replace the path of the logfile with the location where you installed it.)