Using duplicity - Encrypted incremental backup to local or remote storage.
Required: duplicity >=0.6.21
Ubuntu 12.04
# su - -c "echo 'deb precise main' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/duplicity.list"
# apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv AF953139C1DF9EF3476DE1D58F571BB27A86F4A2
# apt-get update
# apt-get install duplicity
Arch linux
# pacman -S duplicity
If you are going to use Amazon S3 storage install boto
# apt-get install python-pip
# pip install boto
Generate the key
# gpg --gen-key
Note: You may need to increase entropy in order to help the key to be generated faster. You can do this on a separate terminal or ssh connection. In ubuntu:
# apt-get install rng-tools
Edit /etc/default/rng-tools and have a line with HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom
# /etc/init.d/rng-tools start
List the keys
# gpg --list-keys
pub 2048R/A39F74A9 2013-08-25
uid info <[email protected]>
sub 2048R/B2E8AC86 2013-08-25
Copy a public key: should be A39F74A9
in these case, this will be used with
duplicity to encrypt and decrypt the backups.
create a file named `.backup_config` to the home directory and make the
necessary changes. You can copy example_config and edit accordingly.
cp example_config ~/.backup_config
duplicity_backup mysql
duplicity_backup postgres
duplicity_backup mongo
duplicity_backup folder /path/to/target/folder file:///path/to/backup/target
duplicity_backup folder /path/to/target/folder s3://BUCKET/target
duplicity_backup restore mysql /path/to/restore/folder
duplicity_backup restore postgres /path/to/restore/folder
duplicity_backup restore mongo /path/to/restore/folder
duplicity_backup restore folder file:///path/to/backup/target /path/to/restore/target
duplicity_backup restore folder s3://BUCKET/target /path/to/restore/target
NOTE: you have to restore the actual database after this, if that is your intention.
mysql -u USERNAME -p DB_NAME < /path/to/restore/folder/DB_NAME.sql
mongorestore /path/to/restore/folder