The purpose of this project is to collect information about voting in local councils and to provide public REST API to access this information
- Council
- Fraction - group of the councilmen
- Councilman
- Session - meeting where councilmen take decisions
- Session Item - item of the agenda of the session, each session item can have few decisions (take as the basis, apply changes, final decistion)
- Decision - it's voting process with exact result (accepted or not)
- Vote - voting of single councilman for the decision
Url | Method | Optional params | Operation |
/api/councils | GET | name, take, skip | List of councils |
/api/councils/:id | GET | Details of the council | |
/api/councils/:id/councilmen | GET | fractionid, name, take, skip | List of councilmen of the council |
/api/councils/:id/fractions | GET | name, take, skip | List of fractions of the council |
/api/councilmen/:id | GET | Details of the councilman | |
/api/fractions/:id | GET | Details of the fraction | |
/api/councils/:id/sessions | GET | take, skip | List of sessions of the council |
/api/sessions/:id | GET | Details of the session | |
/api/sessions/:id/sessionitems | GET | List of session items of the session | |
/api/sessionitems/:id | GET | Details of the session item | |
/api/sessionitems/:id/votes | GET | List of decisions and votes of the session items |
- ASP.NET WebApi 2
- Entity Framework Code First 6
- Ninject
- Log4Net
- Moq
- AutoFixture