This extension was written based on the Behat Laravel Extension
composer require --dev pavlakis/slim-behat-extension
Pavlakis\Slim\Behat: ~
The above is the minimum setup as long as you are using Akrabat's Slim 3 Skeleton with the default location for settings.php
at app/settings.php
and behat.yml
inside tests/behat
This is the expected directory structure for the default configuration:
- my_app_dir
|___ app
|_______ settings.php
|_______ dependencies.php
|___ tests
|_________ behat
|_____ behat.yml
If behat.yml
is in the root folder, use the following:
- FeatureContext
config_file: app/settings.php
dependencies_file: app/dependencies.php
Apart from the config (settings.php) all other parameters are optional, however you can also pass:
config_file: ../../app/configs/settings_test.php
dependencies_file: ../../app/dependencies.php
middleware_file: ../../middleware.php
routes_file: ../../routes.php
- Include the KernelAwareContext interface
- Include the Pavlakis\Slim\Behat\Context\App trait
- Access the Slim 3 app using
Use the logger
to log some text to ensure the extension works.
use Behat\Behat\Tester\Exception\PendingException;
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
use Pavlakis\Slim\Behat\Context\App;
use Pavlakis\Slim\Behat\Context\KernelAwareContext;
class FeatureContext implements Context, KernelAwareContext
use App;
* @Then it works
public function itWorks()
/** @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger */
$logger = $this->app->getContainer()->get('logger');
$logger->info("Slim-behat integration works!");
* @Given I load the slim-behat extension
public function iLoadTheSlimBehatExtension()
Feature: The extension works
In order to see this extension works
As a developer
I need to be see something happening
Scenario: The extension works
Given I load the slim-behat extension
Then it works
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;
use Pavlakis\Slim\Behat\Context\App;
use Pavlakis\Slim\Behat\Context\KernelAwareContext;
* Defines application features from the specific context.
class FeatureContext extends MinkContext implements Context, KernelAwareContext
use App;