This repo is a collection of small projects , scripts and assignments. Here is a list of all the directories ( projects/script ) that are present in this repo.
Email Scripts:
- It consists of script to fetch data from G-Mail.
- Written in Python and uses imaplib, email and csv libraries.
- Tech Base : Python ( Libraries : imaplib, email, csv)
NOTE : Due to security constraint, Gmail does not allow the script to directly access the email. You need to generate an app password for getting access to the mails.Follow the link to generate password.
Basic Client-Server Scripts:
- It consists of scripts to stimulate a simple client server interaction for file transfer.
- Tech Base : Python
Attendance Scripts:
- Tried to develop a simple CLI based attendance management program.
- Tech Base : Python ( Libraries : openpyxl )
CSO231N : Operating_System:
- One of the scripts deals with the producer consumer problem.
- Implementation of a shell with few basic command.
- Written in c.
CSE361 : DBMS:
- Assignments : Extendible Hashing , B+ Trees
- Tech Base : C++
Sublime Snippets:
- Consists of snippets commonly used in competitive programming.
CSO221N : Algorithms:
- Karatsuba Algo, TSP using DP, Convex Hull
- Tech Base : C++
CSE443 : Natural Language Processing:
- Porter Stemmer for Hindi
- Tech Base : Python
- Contains scripts in python for various purposes.
- Tech Base : Python
Computer Graphics:
- Conteains computer graphics lab assignments.
- Written in C, C++.
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