This is someday supposed to be a hardcore snake game. I started out trying to learn 16 bit DOS graphics programming with "Alex Russell's Dos Game Programming in C for Beginners". The idea was to learn how to draw graphics without the aid of external libraries such as SDL, OpenGL and the like.
I went along with the tutorial where applicable and made modifications as necessary. I then branched out to make a game of my own out of it.
I've left a ton of comments as notes for my future self in case I need to come back to this project later on.
Compiled inside DOSBox with Borland Turbo C++ 3.0
-Sanitize snek length input -Add snek collision with itself -Prevent game from drawing collectibles on top of the snek
-Divide subroutines to modules -Sound system -Check for latency
NEXT LEVEL TODO: Moving collectibles? Multiplayer? Explosion graphics? High score -table? Port to SDL or something similar?