daa.analytics v0.6.2
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug on replacing NA values with FALSE on the file adorn-pvls-emr.
- Fixed bug on the combined-data file pulling with NULL on the OU column.
- Merged the global summary file last two columns to have the new mapping format and the old mapping format into one
Breaking changes
*On adorn-weights file, we used native R pipe for function chaining.
*Included the column attributeOptionComboIdScheme in the file get-daa-data to fix 2.38 API updates.
New features
*We changed the import-history file to accomodate data format for 2021 onwards. This included logic changes in the code and addition of new columns.
*We separated the indicator TX_PVLS to have a numerator and a denominator value as requested, this ensured the total number of indicators we have amounted to 8.
Minor improvements and fixes
*Updates R from version 4.1.1 to version 4.2.1.
*Updates versions of several required and suggested packages.