Piggybak is no longer maintained.
The Piggybak demo is a Rails application that uses Piggybak, and the supported Piggybak plugins (taxonomy, variants, coupons, bundle_discounts, giftcerts).
The Piggybak demo includes a PostgreSQL database dump (sample.psql) that can be loaded in place of fixtures / seed data. Note that the demo does not include seed data for other database types.
To install, clone the repo, create a config/database.yml (based on config/database.yml.example) to connect to your database. If you are running PostgreSQL, load the data into your database by running sample.psql. Then start your server, via "rails server".
Refer to the Piggybak repository for documentation.
Refer to the Piggybak GitHub account for a full list of supported plugins.
Copyright (c) 2016 End Point & Steph Skardal. See LICENSE.txt for further details.