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these are demo apps for Spark and dashDB Hackaton

There are 2 cases i want to demo as part of Apache Spark Integration with IBM dashDB.

usecase 1: How dashDB can be used as data store for spark, and how can it become as Enterprise datawarehouse for Apache spark customers in its Ecosystem.

Steps that scala app performs:

  1. loads CSV from local filesystem into spark using Spark CSV package as data frame - sqlContext.load(). The same load can be applied in loading other formats like JSON,textfile,Parquet and AVRO
  2. Print Schema of loaded file and data frame : df.printSchema()
  3. Generate Create table DDL to create table based on df.printschema()
  4. Create a Connection to dashDB and run the sql to create the table
  5. Insert data into table created based on the data frame - df.insertIntoJDBC()
  6. Print the final count of the data inserted into the table on dashDB side : sqlContext.load from db side and print count

To run the app to insert data from Apache Spark to dashDB you will need to the following

  1. download spark-csv and apache commons jars files from and
  2. download the required DB2 JCC drivers from
  3. Sign up for a IBM dashDB account on bluemix and get the connect information and edit jdbc connection information
  4. Drop the required jars under $SPARK_HOME/lib directory
  5. edit the spark configuration files $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf and add spark.driver.extraClassPath /root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc4.jar:/root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc.jar:/root/csv/spark-csv_2.11-1.0.3.jar:/root/csv/commons-csv-1.1.jar spark.executor.extraClassPath /root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc4.jar:/root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc.jar:/root/csv/spark-csv_2.11-1.0.3.jar:/root/csv/commons-csv-1.1.jar
  6. edit the spark classpath configuration files: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Added by pmutyala / if [ -f "$FWDIR/RELEASE" ]; then / db2_jar_dir="$FWDIR"/lib / else / db2_jar_dir="$FWDIR"/lib_managed/jars / fi / / db2_jars="$(find "$db2_jar_dir" 2>/dev/null | grep "db2jcc4*\.jar$")" / db2_jars="$(echo "$db2_jars" | tr "\n" : | sed s/:$//g)" / / if [ -n "$db2_jars" ]; then / appendToClasspath "$db2_jars" / fi / / if [ -f "$FWDIR/RELEASE" ]; then / csv_jar_dir="$FWDIR"/lib / else / csv_jar_dir="$FWDIR"/lib_managed/jars / fi / / csv_jars="$(find "$csv_jar_dir" 2>/dev/null | grep "spark-csv_2.11-1.0.3*\.jar$")" / csv_jars="$(echo "$csv_jars" | tr "\n" : | sed s/:$//g)" / / if [ -n "$csv_jars" ]; then / appendToClasspath "$csv_jars" / fi /

added to support dependencies /


  1. Create a simple.sbt build file to package the app

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// name := "Spark dashDB Project" / / version := "1.0" / / scalaVersion := "2.10.4" / / libraryDependencies ++= Seq( / "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.3.1", / "com.databricks" % "spark-csv_2.11" % "1.0.3", / "org.apache.commons" % "commons-csv" % "1.1", / ) / javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "1.7") / / /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  1. Place the app under $SPARK_HOME/src/main/scala under the spark install directory and then do "sbt package" to package the jar from $SPARK_HOME location

  2. Then run spark-submit command to run the classes like

/root/spark-1.3.1_IBM_1-bin-2.6.0/bin/spark-submit --conf "spark.driver.extraClassPath=/root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc4.jar:/root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc.jar:/root/csv/spark-csv_2.11-1.0.3.jar:/root/csv/commons-csv-1.1.jar, spark.executor.extraClassPath=/root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc4.jar:/root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc.jar:/root/spark-1.3.1_IBM_1-bin-2.6.0/lib/spark-csv_2.11-1.0.3.jar:/root/csv/commons-csv-1.1.jar" --driver-class-path "/root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc4.jar:/root/jcc/jdbc_sqlj/db2jcc.jar:/root/spark-1.3.1_IBM_1-bin-2.6.0/lib/spark-csv_2.11-1.0.3.jar:/root/csv/commons-csv-1.1.jar" --jars "/root/csv/spark-csv_2.11-1.0.3.jar,/root/csv/commons-csv-1.1.jar" --class "SparkAnddashDBdemo" /root/spark-1.3.1_IBM_1-bin-2.6.0/target/scala-2.10/spark-dashdb-project_2.10-1.0.jar

  1. Once the app is ran you will notice data is being populated into dashDB, You will notice collisions table and data is populated in IBM dashDB

Steps that R script performs:

  1. To produce data analytics and visulization using the R feature available in dashDB or from using the ibmdbR package from dashDB, you need to do the following
  2. Donwload the R script:SparkAnddashDB_R_Demo.R from the Git, load it into the R-studio,
  3. Launch r-studio in dashDB from analytics --> r-studio in IBM dashDB
  4. Install the required packages in R, ie. ggplot2, ggmap using install.packages("") command
  5. Run the R script from R-studio.

Usecase2: This is a usecase to show how IBM dashDB can be used as data source and data loaded into Pyspark can be used for data analytics using pyspark/pandas/ipython interfaces, this is part how hydrid data analytics from realtime data and historical data can be used for analytics

  1. To run ipython and python you will need to instlall python 2.7, and ipython[all] packages
  2. To Run ipython and py scripts for loading data from dashDB into pyspark using pandas module you will need to install unix-odbc,pyodbc to connect to dashDB, also other modules like matplotlib, numpy are required as well.
  3. run SparkAnddashDB_IPython_demo.ipynb from ipython interface, or run the from pyspark interface.
  4. To run an ipython notebook, you need to launch ipython using ipython notebook and then imprt your notebook and run them interactively.

Inorder to run the pyspark for ipython you will need to the following

  1. ipython profile create pyspark
  2. edit ~/.ipython/profile_pyspark/ to update c.NotebookApp.port =
  3. under ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile add export SPARK_HOME="/root/spark-1.3.1_IBM_1-bin-2.6.0/" export PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS="--master local[2]" 4.touch ~/.ipython/profile_pyspark/startup/

Configure the necessary Spark environment

import os import sys

spark_home = os.environ.get('SPARK_HOME', None) sys.path.insert(0, spark_home + "/python")

Add the py4j to the path.

You may need to change the version number to match your install

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(spark_home, 'python/lib/'))

Initialize PySpark to predefine the SparkContext variable 'sc'

execfile(os.path.join(spark_home, 'python/pyspark/')) 5. ipython notebook --profile=pyspark

Configuring pyodbc and unix-odbc environment

  1. Install the ibm_data_server_driver_package_linuxx64_v10.5.tar.gz and source db2profile

  2. Once unix-odbc is installed edit the a. cat odbcinst.ini [IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER] Description = dashDB and DB2 as Source Driver = /root/dsdriver/lib/ b. cat odbc.ini [BLUDB] Description = dashDB and DB2 as Source Driver = IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER Trace = off TraceFile = stderr DSN = BLUDB Database = BLUDB Servername = UserName = Password = Port = 50000 Protocol = TCPIP

  3. db2cli writecfg add -database BLUDB -host x.x.x.x -port 50000

  4. db2cli writecfg add -dsn BLUDB -database BLUDB -host x.x.x.x -port 50000

  5. verify the DSN by running odbcinst -s -q and drivers by running odbcinst -d -q


this is demo apps for Spark and dashDB Hackaton






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