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Amateur APRS

Mark Jessop edited this page Jul 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

An APRS-IS gateway is monitoring for any position reports using the Balloon Symbol (Primary Symbol Table, 'O'). Provided your packets don't get filtered they should appear on


The exact filters can be found here: If these need to be changed or updated contact us!

The filters at time of writing are:

  • The 'Balloon' symbol is used (Primary Symbol table, 'O').
  • Not SondeMonitor
  • Not anytone radios
  • Not APRSDroid
  • Does not contain SONDEGATE in path
  • Does not contain SondeID in comment
  • Does not contain Ozonesonde in comment
  • Does not contain Recupero Radiosonde in comment
  • Does not have a callsign starting with 'WIDE'