Struggling with CQRS, A+ES, DDD? We can help you!
Browse the issue list to check if a similar question was already answered. If not open a new issue and describe your problem.
Everything related to CQRS, event sourced aggregates and Domain-Driven Design. If you are unsure visit prooph/improoph chat and ask your question there. People in the chat will tell you if it is worth to create an issue here.
We will discuss your concrete problem in the issue. Let's say you have a question about aggregate design (very common question). The problem of such questions is that the answer will likely be "it depends". That's not really an answer, right? So we will try to solve your problem (and only your problem) together with you. This can take time. We may ask you to speak with your domain expert. We may ask you to provide more details about your domain. Be prepared to provide that information if needed.
Yes! Github issues are a great Q&A tool. We can work with code samples, have long discussions, link to comments and so on. Over the time the list of answered questions will grow and provide a great knowledge database. Often an answer alone is not enough and the process to get there is the interesting part.