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Got sick of chalk or other coloring libraries?

Hate this? console.warn(chalk.bold(chalk.yellow('text')))

Me too!

Try this:

const warn = dye('bold', 'yellow').attachConsole('warn')

This is an easy and light console styling tool. 🔥🔥🔥 Create your styles and reuse them easily. 💙💚💛💗

Supports plain colors, modifiers, 256 color mode (incl. hex) and true color mode (16m colors)


npm: npm install @prostojs/dye

Via CDN: <script src=""></script>


A very basic "chalk" way to dye

import { dye } from '@prostojs/dye'

const bold = dye('bold')
console.log(bold('Text In Bold'))
// Text in Bold

Colors and modifiers

Function dye returns a style function based on input arguments. You can pass arguments in any order.

Supported arguments:

  1. Plain colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan,white;
  2. Prefix bg- turns color to background color (bg-red);
  3. Suffix -bright makes color brighter (red-bright, bg-red-bright);
  4. Grayscale colors: [bg-]gray<01..22> (gray01, gray02, ..., gray22, bg-gray01, bg-gray02, ..., bg-gray22);
  5. Modifiers: bold, dim, italic, underscore, inverse, hidden, crossed;
  6. RGB 256 mode *5,0,0, bg*5,0,0;
  7. RGB True Color mode 255,0,0, bg255,0,0.
  8. RGB True Color mode (HEX) #ff0000, bg#ff0000, #f00, bg#f00.

IDE will help wtih typing as it's all well typed with TS

256 RGB version:

dye('*5,0,0') // red 256
dye('bg*5,0,0') // red 256 background

True Color RGB:

dye('255,0,0') // red True Color
dye('bg255,0,0') // red True Color background

Simple example

const bold = dye('bold')
console.log(bold('Text In Bold'))

Advanced example

const myStyle = dye('italic', 'bg-red', '0,0,255')
console.log(myStyle('Styled italic blue text with red BG'))

Super advanced example 😀

const { dye } = require('@prostojs/dye')

const myStyle = dye('italic', 'bg-red', '0,0,255')
console.log('Italic blue text with red background')

Tricks and tips

Let's get to some serious stuff like static prefix/suffix, dynamic prefix/suffix and attach console option.

Static Prefix/Suffix

Let's add prefix and attach console.

const error = dye('red')
                // we want a banner [ERROR] to appear each time
                // if we want to call console.error we must 
                // pass 'error' otherwise by default it will
                // call console.log
// [ERROR] Text

Now let's make prefix prettier

const error = dye('red')
                .prefix(dye('bold', 'inverse')('[ERROR]'))
// [ERROR] Text

If we need some suffix, there we go

const error = dye('red')
                .prefix(dye('bold', 'inverse')('[ERROR]'))
// [ERROR] Text !!!

Dynamic Prefix/Suffix

Let's imagine you push some process steps to log. You want it to be pretty. You want it to have counter. Try this:

let n = 0
const bold = dye('bold')
const step = dye('cyan')
                // pass a function as prefix that returns Step <n>
                .prefix(() => bold('Step ' + (n++) +  '.'))

step('Do this')
step('Do that')
step('ReDo this')
step('ReDo that')
// Step 0. Do this  
// Step 1. Do that  
// Step 2. ReDo this  
// Step 3. ReDo that 

Sometimes it's usefull to log the time as well. it's easy:

const bold = dye('bold')
const timedLog = dye('green')
                    .prefix(() => bold(new Date().toLocaleTimeString()))

setTimeout(() => timedLog('then'), 2000)
// 1:17:12 PM now  
// 1:17:14 PM then 

Strip the styles away

In case if you want to strip the colors away for some reason...

const { dye } = require('@prostojs/dye')

const myStyle = dye('italic', 'bg-red', '0,0,255')
const styledText = myStyle('Styled text')
console.log(styledText) // styles applied
console.log(dye.strip(styledText)) // styles removed

Best practices

Use semantic names for you styles and not color/modifiers names.

Let's assume we're working on some CLI that leads you through some process.

const { dye } = require('@prostojs/dye')

// first we define some styles we're going to use
const style = {
    example: dye('cyan'),
    keyword: dye('bold', 'underscore').prefix('`').suffix('`'),
    name: dye('bold').prefix('"').suffix('"'),

// second we define an output message types
const print = {
    header: dye('bold').prefix('\n===  ').suffix('  ===\n').attachConsole(),
    hint: dye('dim', 'blue-bright').attachConsole('info'),
    step: dye('blue-bright').prefix('\n').suffix('...').attachConsole(),
    done: dye('green', 'bold').prefix('\n✓ ').attachConsole(),
    error: dye('red-bright')
            .prefix('\n' + dye('inverse')(' ERROR ') + '\n')

// here we go informing user on what's going on
print.header('Welcome everyone!')
    'This is the example of how to use','@prostojs/dye'),
    '\naccording to the Best Practices.'
print.done('Initialization is done')

// an error occured!
    'Unexpected token',
    'found at parameter','options'),
    '\nUse it according to this example:\n',
        '\tMy super example\n\t' +'options') +
        '->' +

// we're done
print.done('End of example')

Here's what we've got in the console:


Formatting is a very advanced feature which provides a very flexible text formatter.

If you're using typescript you can type your console arguments:

import { dye } from '@prostojs/dye'
// For this example want our Stylist to accept two
// arguments with string and number types
type Format = [string, number]

// Pass the format to dye stylist factory
const style = dye<Format>('bold')
    // and define the format function which can do
    // whatever you want; in this particular example
    // we will just repeat the input <n> times
    .format((s, n) => s.repeat(n))

// Now TS knows which arguments it should expect (string, number)
console.log(style('TEST_', 5))
// console output:

Take a look at more complex example, where we create a banner console output. Of course you can add more formatting to it, add wrapping if line is too long etc...

const { dye } = require('@prostojs/dye')

const bold = dye('bold')
const bgBlue = dye('bg-blue')

const bannerTop = bgBlue
    .format(width => '─'.repeat(width - 2))
const bannerLine = bgBlue
    .format(width => ' '.repeat(width - 2))
const bannerBottom = bgBlue
    .format(width => '─'.repeat(width - 2))
const bannerSeparator = bgBlue
    .format(width => '─'.repeat(width - 2))
const bannerCenterText = bgBlue
    .format((text, w) => {
        const tLength = dye.strip(text).length
        const l = Math.round(w / 2 - tLength / 2) - 1
        return ' '.repeat(l) + text + ' '.repeat(w - l - tLength - 2)

const banner = dye()
    .prefix((title, { width: w }) => bannerTop(w) + '\n' + bannerLine(w) + '\n')
    .format((title, { width: w }) => bannerCenterText(bold(title), w) + '\n')
        (title, { width: w, separator }) => 
            bannerLine(w) + '\n' + (separator ? bannerSeparator(w) : bannerBottom(w)) + '\n'

banner('Hello World!', { width: 60 })

Console output:


Easy and light console styling tool







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