Clone the repo and run npm install
before you start
NodeJs is required to run this project
Using the following endpoint: http://localhost:3000/hotels
Note: run npm start
to start the json server first
Write an integration tests with jest for these endpoints:
- GET /hotels -> should return a list of hotels
- POST /hotels -> should create a new hotel
{ "name":"Elmandra", "city": "alexandria", "price": 500, "availability": [ { "from": "10-10-2020", "to": "15-10-2020" }, { "from": "25-10-2020", "to": "15-11-2020" }, { "from": "10-12-2020", "to": "15-12-2020" } ] }
- GET /hotels/:hotelID -> should return hotel data
- PATCH /hotels/:hotelID -> should update hotel data
"name":"new Elmandra",
"city": "giza",
"price": 100,
"availability": [
{ "from": "10-10-2020", "to": "15-10-2020" },
{ "from": "25-10-2020", "to": "15-11-2020" },
{ "from": "10-12-2020", "to": "15-12-2020" }
- DELETE /hotels/:hotelID -> should delete hotel from the list
Using the following url :
Open it should search for hotel available from start date to the end date
Write an E2E tests with cypress to test the following actions:
- when you open the home page show a place holder till the data is loaded
- when the data loaded should show a 2 date pickers and 2 button
- when you click any of "To" or "From" it should open a date picker
- when you choose a date from the picker it should update the fields
- when you click clear it should clear the two feilds
- when you click seach and feilds are empty should display validtion error on each feild
- when you click seach and feilds are not empty should go to result page
- when you open result page directly from url it should show empty result and a link to search page
- when you open it from the search page you there is no result should also show empty result with link
- when you open it from the search page with result it should show hotels card list
- when you type in filter by name field it should filter the cards by name
- when you change price slider it should filter the cards by price
- when you click sort by name it should sort the cards by name
- when you click sort by price it should filter the cards by price
Test env is already setuped with jest, axois, cypress
hotelsApi.test.js --> write you api tests here
searchPage.spec.js --> write search e2e test here
searchPage.spec.js --> write search result e2e test here
npm run test
to run jest test runner (api test cases)
npm run e2e
to run cypress test cases (E2E)
- You should consume the api endpoint mentioned and not use it as internal json file
- You should write api ingeration tests with jest
- You should write E2E tests with cypress
- You should write a good testing report
- Simple, clear, readable code How well structured it is? Clear separation of concerns? Can anyone just look at it and get the idea to what is being done? Does it follow any standards?
- Correctness Does the your tests cover all valid and invalid cases? Can you find bugs or trivial flaws?
- Bug resport Is your test/bug report well structured?
If you have any questions to this challenge, please do reach out to us.
The challenge should be delivered as a link to a public git repository ( or are preferred).
Before submitting, make sure that your code
[ ] Usage is clearly mentioned in the README file, This including setup the tests, how to run it, examples,etc
Implementations focusing on quality over feature completeness will be highly appreciated, don’t feel compelled to implement everything and even if you are not able to complete the challenge, please do submit it anyways.