Simple utility to archive Webex Teams rooms
This version of the Webex Teams Archiver extracts all messages of one user and saves them in text, HTML, and JSON formats.
- Go to
- Login
- After you are logged in and back on the page mentioned above you see in the right middle of that the field
Bearer ****************************
- Click the copy icon on the right side of that field to copy the Bearer token and click OK for the question in the message box
- For the next steps you need a Linux shell and Python 3.
- Install the webexteamssdk via pip (
pip install webexteamssdk
) - Install hurry.filesize via pip (
pip install hurry.filesize
) - Checkout the whole repository and execute the script (replace MYBEARERTOKEN in the next step with the token you have in your clipboard):
Processing 1/447: {'id': 'Y2lzY29....', 'title': 'CISO Mr. Foobar', 'type': 'direct', 'isLocked': False, 'lastActivity': '2021-04-20T11:32:36.567Z', 'creatorId': 'Y2lzY29....', 'created': '2021-04-20T11:23:01.055Z', 'ownerId': 'Y2lzY29....'}
Processing 2/447: {'id': 'Y2lzY29....', 'title': 'Upgrade WarRoom', 'type': 'group', 'isLocked': False, 'lastActivity': '2021-04-20T08:09:14.276Z', 'teamId': 'Y2lzY29....', 'creatorId': 'Y2lzY29....', 'created': '2021-04-20T08:08:49.388Z', 'ownerId': 'Y2lzY29....'}
It iterates now through all the channels and private communications (447 in total in my case) and prints a line for each. After this you have a folder (and a packed gz file) for each communication with a nice html file.
Note 1: Please note that use of the Webex Teams Archiver may violate the retention policy, if any, applicable to your use of Webex Teams.
Note 2: If you have more than 1000 communications (e.g. rooms, direct 1:1 chats, etc.) the script is not yet able to handle it. So there is currently a maximum for 1000.
Note 3: The Webex API gives no possibility to get/log/backup:
- Smileys as reactions on messages (e.g. thumbs up)
- Information on meetings (f.ex. meetings started but noone was there or the duration of finished meetings)
Note 4: Just to give you a rough estimation about size and duration: The backup of all 447 communications in my case has a size of 7.5GB (all files, uncompressed and compressed ones counted together) and took 4 hours.
Note 5: Sometimes you get a throttle message like "RateLimitWarning: [429] Too Many Requests - The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time...". This can be ignored. There is already a sleep/retry procedure in there. So there is NO data loss / incomplete backup in this case.
webexteamsarchiver is a community developed and community supported project. Feedback, thoughts, questions, issues can be submitted using the issues page.
webexteamsarchiver is a community developed project. Code contributions are welcome via PRs!
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