It is a personal static website/portfolio template hosted with GitHub Pages, built to showcase my recent projects. Demo
Dependencies defined in package.json:
Reactjs | Bootstrap | Typist | React-ga
You should have Node.js and Git installed on your PC. You should also own a GitHub account.
To Get Started, Fork this repository to your GitHub account:
Clone the forked repo from your account using:
git clone<your-username>/home.git
Open in editor and edit src/assets/data.json file.
Add your resume as <resume.pdf> in place of src/assets/resume.pdf
Edit title and meta description and icon in public/index.html.
Add your google traking id in src/componentes files.
Change URL in package.json file:
"homepage": "https://<your-username>"
Or for deployment at custom domain, refer
After editing run the following bash commands:
npm install npm start
To deploy website, run:
npm run deploy
Congrats your site is up and running. To see it live, visit: