As per Mastodon developpers, this is not supported yet, and might cause issues on the servers. Please don't use it on production servers until further notice.
See : mastodon/mastodon#2668
Small Flask app for proxying your .well-known/webfinger to a remote host.
The purpose is to experiment custom domain handling for the ActivityPub / the Fediverse.
This app point any handle <foo>@<your-domain.tld>
to <foo>@<shared-instance.tld>
Run this flask app on a custom local port :
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> export FLASK_RUN_PORT=nnnn
> flask run
(For real production deployment, consider using WGSI instead.)
Setup your web server as a proxy for /.well-known/
See for instance sample-apache.conf
Restrict and configure the usage to some aliases only.