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Merge pull request #3588 from raspberrypi/e2etest
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Alasdair Allan authored Apr 12, 2024
2 parents edbeb31 + 5b7165f commit 4ef432c
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,303 additions and 4,433 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions tests/fixtures/_config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Welcome to Jekyll!
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# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on.
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
title: Raspberry Pi Documentation
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Raspberry Pi Documentation.
baseurl: "/documentation" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
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githuburl: ""
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destination: documentation/html

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# - vendor/ruby/
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions tests/fixtures/build_jekyll_data_index.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"tabs": [
"title": "Microcontrollers",
"path": "/microcontrollers/",
"subitems": [
"title": "The C/C++ SDK",
"description": "Getting started with the C/C++ SDK",
"image": "full-sized/C-and-CPP.png",
"subpath": "c_sdk.adoc",
"path": "/microcontrollers/c_sdk.html",
"imagepath": "/images/full-sized/C-and-CPP.png"
"title": "Product Information Portal",
"description": "Raspberry Pi compliance documents",
"imagepath": "/images/full-sized/PIP.png",
"url": ""
"title": "Datasheets",
"description": "PDF-based documentation",
"imagepath": "/images/full-sized/Datasheets.png",
"url": ""
"title": "Tutorials",
"description": "Hands-on hardware and software tutorials",
"imagepath": "/images/full-sized/Tutorials.png",
"url": ""
"title": "Forums",
"description": "User and product support forums",
"imagepath": "/images/full-sized/Forums.png",
"url": ""
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions tests/fixtures/github_edit.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Edit this {{ github_edit_link }}[on GitHub]
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions tests/fixtures/index.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
"tabs": [
"title": "Computers",
"path": "computers",
"default_tab": "yes",
"subitems": [
"title": "Getting started",
"description": "How to get started with your Raspberry Pi",
"image": "full-sized/Getting-Started.png",
"subpath": "getting-started.adoc"
"title": "Raspberry Pi OS",
"description": "The official Raspberry Pi operating system",
"image": "full-sized/Raspberry-Pi-OS.png",
"subpath": "os.adoc"
"title": "Configuration",
"description": "Configuring your Raspberry Pi's settings",
"image": "full-sized/Configuration.png",
"subpath": "configuration.adoc"
"title": "The config.txt file",
"description": "Low-level settings control",
"image": "full-sized/The-config-txt-file.png",
"subpath": "config_txt.adoc"
"title": "Legacy config.txt options",
"description": "Options which may be useful for OSes other than Raspberry Pi OS",
"image": "full-sized/Legacy-config-txt.png",
"subpath": "legacy_config_txt.adoc"
"title": "The Linux kernel",
"description": "How to configure and build a custom kernel for your Raspberry Pi",
"image": "full-sized/Linux-Kernel.png",
"subpath": "linux_kernel.adoc"
"title": "Remote access",
"description": "Accessing your Raspberry Pi remotely",
"image": "full-sized/Remote-Access.png",
"subpath": "remote-access.adoc"
"title": "Camera software",
"description": "Software and libraries for Raspberry Pi camera hardware",
"image": "full-sized/Camera.png",
"subpath": "camera_software.adoc"
"title": "Raspberry Pi hardware",
"description": "Technical information about Raspberry Pi hardware",
"image": "full-sized/Raspberry-Pi-Hardware.png",
"subpath": "raspberry-pi.adoc"
"title": "Compute Module hardware",
"description": "Technical information about Raspberry Pi Compute Module hardware",
"image": "full-sized/Compute-Module-Hardware.png",
"subpath": "compute-module.adoc"
"title": "Processors",
"description": "Technical information about the CPUs used by Raspberry Pi",
"image": "full-sized/Processors.png",
"subpath": "processors.adoc"
"title": "Accessories",
"path": "accessories",
"default_tab": "no",
"subitems": [
"title": "Camera",
"description": "Raspberry Pi camera boards",
"image": "full-sized/Camera.png",
"subpath": "camera.adoc"
"title": "Display",
"description": "The Raspberry Pi Touch Display",
"image": "full-sized/Display.png",
"subpath": "display.adoc"
"title": "Keyboard and mouse",
"description": "Official Raspberry Pi keyboard and mouse",
"image": "full-sized/Keyboard-and-Mouse.png",
"subpath": "keyboard-and-mouse.adoc"
"title": "Build HAT",
"description": "How to use the Build HAT",
"image": "full-sized/Build-HAT.png",
"subpath": "build-hat.adoc"
"title": "Sense HAT",
"description": "How to use the Sense HAT",
"image": "full-sized/Sense-HAT.png",
"subpath": "sense-hat.adoc"
"title": "TV HAT",
"description": "How to watch TV on your Raspberry Pi",
"image": "full-sized/TV-HAT.png",
"subpath": "tv-hat.adoc"
"title": "Raspberry Pi Audio",
"description": "High-definition audio with Raspberry Pi",
"image": "full-sized/Audio-HATs.png",
"subpath": "audio.adoc"
"title": "Designing a HAT",
"description": "Information on the HAT specification",
"image": "full-sized/Designing-a-HAT.png",
"url": ""
"title": "Microcontrollers",
"path": "microcontrollers",
"subitems": [
"title": "RP2040",
"description": "Raspberry Pi's flagship microcontroller device",
"image": "full-sized/RP2040.png",
"subpath": "rp2040.adoc"
"title": "Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W",
"description": "Support for Raspberry Pi Pico, Pico H, Pico W, and Pico WH",
"image": "full-sized/Pico.png",
"subpath": "raspberry-pi-pico.adoc"
"title": "Raspberry Pi Debug Probe",
"description": "Supports Arm Serial Wire Debug (SWD), and acts as a UART bridge",
"image": "full-sized/Debug-Probe.png",
"subpath": "debug-probe.adoc"
"title": "RP1",
"description": "Our southbridge for Raspberry Pi 5",
"image": "full-sized/RP1.png",
"subpath": "rp1.adoc"
"title": "MicroPython",
"description": "Getting started with MicroPython",
"image": "full-sized/MP.png",
"subpath": "micropython.adoc"
"title": "The C/C++ SDK",
"description": "Getting started with the C/C++ SDK",
"image": "full-sized/C-and-CPP.png",
"subpath": "c_sdk.adoc"
"title": "Services",
"path": "services",
"subitems": [
"title": "Raspberry Pi ID",
"description": "Our identity service",
"image": "full-sized/Raspberry-Pi-ID.png",
"subpath": "id.adoc"
"title": "Pico C SDK",
"from_json": "picosdk_index.json",
"directory": "pico-sdk"
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@



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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions tests/fixtures/microcontrollers/c_sdk/official_sdk.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
== Raspberry Pi Pico C/{cpp} SDK

Our official C SDK can be used from the command line, or from popular integrated development environments like Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, and CLion. To get started, download our C/{cpp} SDK and Examples, and take a look at our '[getting started]' documentation to get going. Or for a quick setup see the next section.

* The SDK[Github repository]
* The Examples[Github repository]
You can find documentation around the C/{cpp} SDK at;[Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico]:: C/{cpp} development with Raspberry Pi Pico and other RP2040-based microcontroller boards[Connecting to the Internet with Raspberry Pi Pico W]:: Getting Raspberry Pi Pico W online with C/{cpp} or MicroPython[Raspberry Pi Pico C/{cpp} SDK]:: Libraries and tools for C/{cpp} development on RP2040 microcontrollers

xref:../pico-sdk/index_doxygen.adoc[API level documentation]:: Documentation for the Raspberry Pi Pico C/{cpp} SDK

If you are building applications with the C/{cpp} SDK and targeting boards other than the Raspberry Pi Pico, you will need to pass `-DPICO_BOARD=boardname` to CMake. Here `boardname` is the name of your board, e.g. for the Adafruit Feather RP2040 you should pass `-DPICO_BOARD=adafruit_feather_rp2040`. See the[`boards/` directory] in the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK, and the[forums], for more information.

Documentation introducing working with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Pico W with C/{cpp} or MicroPython is presented in the[Connecting to the Internet with Raspberry Pi Pico W] book.

If you are building applications with the C/{cpp} SDK for Raspberry Pi Pico W and, to connect to a network you will need to pass `-DPICO_BOARD=pico_w -DWIFI_SSID="Your Network" -DWIFI_PASSWORD="Your Password"` to CMake. If you only need to enable Bluetooth support then you do not need to pass a SSID and password, but still need to pass the `-DPICO_BOARD=pico_w` string to CMake.

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