This source code shows the best practices for creating a UserCustomAction for SharePoint.
- Babel
- webpack
- ESLint, Karma, Mocha, Chai
- LiveReload
The goal of the loader pattern is to provide a way to embed an unknown number of remote scripts into a site without having to update the site. The updates can be done on the remote CDN and will update all sites.
Read more about the Loader Pattern.
The Patterns and Practices JavaScript Core Library was created to help simplifying common operations within SharePoint. Currently it contains a fluent API for working with the full SharePoint REST API as well as utility and helper functions.
The unit testing is run using Karma. It is configured to run in both IE and Chrome. See configuration file here.
Running the unit tests: npm run test
The unit test files can be placed anywhere within the src folder but has to end with the extention .spec.js
We have couple of testcases written for the custom Script Link: search-selected-text.spec.js.
The Asserts are done using the chai-jquery liberary.
Generating the bundled and minified file for development: npm run dev
Generating the bundled and minified file for production: npm run build:prod
Deploying the Script Link is out of scope of this sample code and manually upload the file to the Style Liberary document liberary.
You can use the below C#
code to add a custom script link file.
using (ClientContext context = new ClientContext("http://site-collection/"))
context.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domain");
var site = context.Site;
var newScriptLink = site.UserCustomActions.Add();
newScriptLink.Name = "script-link-name";
newScriptLink.Location = "ScriptLink";
newScriptLink.ScriptSrc = String.Format("~site/Style Library/scripts/custom-action.bundle.js");
newScriptLink.Sequence = 1000;
Continuously build and host files and start the LiveReload server: npm start
Injecting the LiveReload script tag on the SharePoint Page. Use this Chrome Extention - LiveReload
That's it! This should now enable livereloading.