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contains gitops manifests to bootstrap an sample iDP based on Red Hat Developer Hub

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Red Hat Developer Hub Gitops Cluster Bootstrap

This project repo contains a set of ArgoCD manifests and a set of Ansible Playbooks used to bootstrap a Developer Hub Environment on top of Openshift v4.x. The produced environment is intended for Developer workflows demo.

It uses the ArgoCD App of Apps pattern to pre-install and configure a set of Openshift Operators to support Developer Workflows.

The following components should be provisioned by ArgoCD in your cluster:

  • Openshift Dev Spaces
  • Kubernetes Image Puller Operator
  • Git Webhook Operator
  • Hashicorp Vault
  • Vault Config Operator
  • Openshift Pipelines
  • Patch Operator
  • ... (this list keeps growing as I need to add new components to this demo)

First things first

Fork this repo into your own GitHub profile and Clone it locally.

Setup a GitHub Org and an Application

  1. Create a new Github Organization. This organization will contain the code repositories for the components created by Red Hat Developer Hub.

❗tip You may also use any organization you are a member of, as long as you have the ability to create new repositories within it.

  1. To help with the correct GitHub configuration set the following env vars in a terminal.
K8S_CLUSTER_API=$(oc get cluster -o=jsonpath="{.status.apiServerURL}")
OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO=$(echo $K8S_CLUSTER_API | sed 's/^.*https...api//' | sed 's/.6443.*$//') # if using a hosted Enterprise GitHub replace by your internal domain.
  1. Create a new GitHub Application to use the Git WebHooks functionality in this demo. The required fields will be populated, and correct permissions set.
echo "https://$GITHUB_HOST_DOMAIN/organizations/$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION/settings/apps/new?name=$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION-rhdh-app&url=$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO/api/auth/github/handler/frame&webhook_url=https://developer-hub-rhdh.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO&administration=write&checks=write&actions=write&contents=write&statuses=write&vulnerability_alerts=write&dependabot_secrets=write&deployments=write&discussions=write&environments=write&issues=write&packages=write&pages=write&pull_requests=write&repository_hooks=write&repository_projects=write&secret_scanning_alerts=write&secrets=write&security_events=write&workflows=write&webhooks=write&members=read"

Click (or copy&paste it on your web browser) on the link echoed to your terminal and follow the wizard.

IMPORTANT❗: Double check your Application has the following permissions set:

  • Read access to members and metadata

  • Read and write access to Dependabot alerts, actions, administration, checks, code, commit statuses, dependabot secrets, deployments, discussions, environments, issues, packages, pages, pull requests, repository hooks, repository projects, secret scanning alerts, secrets, security events, and workflows

  1. Generate a new client secret. Copy the App ID, App Client ID and Client Secret values and paste in a temporary txt file. Then, generate a Private Key for this app and download the private key file.

  2. Go to the Install App on the left side menu and install the GitHub App that you created for your organization. Choose to install it to All Repositories under this Organization.

Setup a Quay Organization

  1. Create a new Quay Organization. This organization will contain the image repositories for the components created by Red Hat Developer Hub.

❗tip You may also use any organization you are a member of, as long as you have admin rights within it.

  1. Then create a new OAuth Application (click on the last but one icon on the left side menu). No need to fill all the fields.
  2. Create a new OAuth 2 Access Token (click on the last icon on the left side menu) and make sure you check the following permissions:
  • Administer Organization
  • Administer Repositories
  • Create Repositiories
  • Administer User
  1. Copy the token and paste int on a temporary txt file.

Enabling htpasswd authentication (OPTIONAL!)

If you got a "naked cluster" with just the kubeadmin system user. You can start by enabling the htpasswd auth provider and creating the admin user by using the bootstrap-scripts/

This script will create the admin user as cluster-admin and 5 other regular (non-admin) users.

Openshift GitOps installation and Cluster Bootstrap

GitOps cluster bootstrap

  1. Open the root-app/app-of-apps.yaml file and replace any occurency of redhat-na-ssa value by your own github profile name (wherever you forked this repo into).

DevHub Workflow

  1. save, commit and push this change!!!
  2. authenticate as a cluster-admin on your cluster and execute

This script will:

  • install Openshift GitOps (ArgoCD)
  • apply the ArgoCD root app
  • kickoff the cluster bootstrap

NOTE: if installed Openshift GitOps (ArgoCD) using the Operator, take a look at the openshift-gitops-install/argocd.yaml CR as we enabled additional configs needed for this demo! Please, re-apply this CR to make sure you have ArgoCD proper configured for this demo.

After applying this manifest go to the ArgoCD web console and watch the provisioning.

IMPORTANT❗: It will take a while (5-7min) to have all components provisioned and in healthy state. The provisioning happens in "waves". You may have to hit Refresh or Sync the root app in case it becomes unhealthy.

ArgoCD Root App tree

Red Hat Developer Hub workflow (with Secret Management automation)

The following steps will setup the infrastructure represented in this Diagram

DevHub Workflow

Configuring Vault and Installing RHDH

using Openshift Dev Spaces

If you don't have a Linux/MacOs box with Ansible installed with access to your Openshift cluster, you can create a Dev Workspace using Openshift Dev Spaces (already installed in your cluster) and use it to change files and run the oc CLI and execute the Ansible playbooks. To do so go to the Openshift Dev Spaces Dashboard

DevHub Workflow

NOTE: log in using an Openshift admin user!

and create a new workspace pointing to your fork of this repo. This repo contains a devfile.yaml ready for running Ansible.

DevHub Workflow

NOTE: Remember to login into Openshift using oc CLI with a cluster-admin user before you run Ansible!!!. When running the playbooks inside a Dev Workspace you may need to export K8S_AUTH_CONTEXT=cluster-admin-context-name, so Ansible can use the correct cluster context to connect to Openshift. Use oc config get-contexts to get the context name where you logged as cluster admin.

using your Linux/MacOS local environment

Its recommended to create and use a Python virtual environment to properly run these playbooks (not needed if using DevSpaces workspace!)

  • To create a Python venv and install ansible and the dependencies we need run
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install ansible hvac kubernetes
source .venv/bin/activate

sourcing env vars

Before running these playbooks you need to setup a set of environment variables. To do so, create a hidden directory named .ignored (this git repo is configured to ignore this directory on commit/push). Then create a file named with the following content and add/replace their respective values according to your environment.

export GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=.ignored/your-github-app.private-key.pem
export GITHUB_ORG=
export GITHUB_APP_WEBHOOK_URL=https://developer-hub-rhdh.your-cluster-domain-here/
export GITHUB_APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET=rhdh-secret
export QUAY_ORG=your-quay-org-name
export QUAY_USER=a-quay-user-name
export QUAY_TOKEN=a-quay-oauth-app-token-with-admin-permissions
  • Source your env file before running Ansible.
source .ignored/

running Ansible Playbooks

  • To configure our Vault Instance, run

This step will feed Vault with the secrets/credentials needed to access both Git Hub and Quay organizations.

ansible-playbook ansible-automation/playbooks/vault-setup/main.yaml
  • To install and configure Red Hat Developer Hub, run
ansible-playbook ansible-automation/playbooks/rhdh-install/main.yaml

changing the Vault Config resource kustomization file

Because we are using GitOps to configure the Vault Config Operator resources (CRs), we need to replace some values and then commit/push these changes to your forked git repo before we can proceed.

  1. Open the operators/hashicorp-vault/kustomize/overlays/vault-config/kustomization.yaml file and replace any parameter value you see a replace by... comment.

DevHub Workflow

  1. save, commit and push this change!!!
  2. in a couple of minutes ArgoCD will sync this change on your Openshift cluster.

Importing the sample Spring Boot software template into RHDH

To show case the fully automated dev workflow deppitect in this diagram

DevHub Workflow

import the Backstage Software Template designed for this demo available here

Enabling Github oAuth provider (OPTIONAL!)

I use this repo to bootstrap an Openshift Cluster to showcase Openshift Dev Tooling and Developer workflows on top of Openshift Platform. For this I like to integrate Openshift and Openshift DevSpaces with Github.

Configuring Github oAuth for DevSpaces

  • Now go to and create another GitHub app (now for DevSpaces)
  • Fill the fields with:
    • Application Name: Openshift DevSpaces oAuth provider
    • Homepage URL:
    • Authorization callback URL:

IMPORTANT: Remember to copy the Client Id and the Client Secret values

Enabling Github users (developers) to access Openshift

IMPORTANT: After creating your Personal Org, make sure you add members to it (including yourself) Go to and invite/add members

  • Now go to and create a new GitHub app
  • Fill the fields with:
    • Application Name: Red Hat Openshift oAuth provider
    • Homepage URL:
    • Authorization callback URL:

IMPORTANT: Remember to copy the Client Id and the Client Secret values

Applying the Github oAuth configuration to your Openshift cluster

With the Github Org and oAuth Apps properly created, now is time to apply the required configuration in your cluster.

To make things easy I created a script to guide you in this configuration. Just execute the bootstrap-scripts/ and follow the instructions.

NOTE: After you create the github secrets the Patch Operator will catch the secret ocp-github-app-credentials (should be present in the openshift-config namespaces) and automatically configure the Cluster oAuth resource for you.

In a couple of seconds you should be able to access the cluster using Github as an Identity Provider.


contains gitops manifests to bootstrap an sample iDP based on Red Hat Developer Hub






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