= 3.1.6 =
- Fixed: CSS spacing issue
- Fixed: Customizer now works and doesn't break other customizer fields outside of Redux.
- Fixed: Several minor bug fixes
- Added: Metabox support via extension
- Added: Admin-bar menu
- Fixed: Section field now folds.
- Fixed: wp_content_dir path now handles double forward slashes.
- Fixed: Typography field missing italics in Google fonts.
- Fixed: Default color in border field not saving properly.
- Fixed: hex2rgba in class.redux_helpers.php changed to static.
- Fixed: 'sortable' field type not saving options as default.
- Fixed: Specified default color not set when clicking the color box default button.
- Fixed: Sorter field options are now saved as default in database.
- Fixed: Issues with checkboxes displaying default values instead of labels.
- Fixed: Outstanding render issues with spacing field.
- Fixed: Plugins using Redux from load failure.
- Fixed: 'not_empty' field validation.
- Fixed: Media field.
- Added: 'read-only' option for media text field.
- Added: 'mode' option to image_select, so CSS output element may be specified.
- Modified: Removed raw_align field and added align option to raw field. See wiki for more info.
- Modified: media field 'read-only' to 'readonly' to vonform to HTML standards.
- Removed: EDD extension. It never belonged in Core and will be re-released as a downloadable extension shortly
- Removed: Group field, temporarily.
- Removed: wp_get_current_user check. See