Releases: reduxframework/redux-framework
Our Biggest Improvements Yet
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- Fixed: Small bug in image_select javascript.
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- Added: Import hook, just because we can. :)
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- Fixed: Customizer now TRULY outputting CSS if output_tag is set to false.
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- Fixed: Reset section, etc. Discovered an odd WordPress thing.
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- Fixed: Image_select size override.
- Fixed: Customizer save not firing the compiler hook.
- Fixed: Customizer not outputting CSS if output_tag is set to false.
- Fixed: Small empty variable check. Undefined index in the defaults generating function.
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- Fixed: WP 3.9 update made editor field button look ugly.
- Fixed: Save hook not firing when save_default set to false.
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- Fixed: Reset section anomalies. Maybe.
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- Fixed: Array of values in required not recognized.
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- Fixed: Updated hint defaults to prevent index warning.
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- Fixed: Removed leftover debug code.
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- Added: New readonly argument for text field.
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- Fixed: Reset/Reset section actions hooks now fire properly.
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- Fixed: When developer uses section field but does not specify an indent argument.
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- Fixed: Dynamic URL for slides
- Fixed: Accidently removed reset action on section reset. Restored.
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- Fixed: Section defaults bug for certain field types.
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- Fixed: Dynamic URL if site URL changed now updates media properly if attachement exists.
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- Fixed: Customizer now correctly does live preview.
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- Fixed: Special enqueue case fix.
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- Added: A few more hooks for defaults and options.
- Fixed: Small undefined index error.
- Added: Section key generation via title.
- Modified: File intending.
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- Fixed: Custom menus not displaying options panel.
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- Fixed: Single checkbox option not retaining checked value.
- Fixed: Border field returning bad CSS in CSS compiler.
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- Fixed: Import/Export fix. Thanks, CGlingener!
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- Added: Save warning now is sticky to the top and responsive.
- Fixed: Mobile fixes for Redux. Looks great on small screens how.
- Fixed: Slight CSS fixes.
- Fixed: Compiler fixes and added notices.
- Added: Import/Export more reasonable text.
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- Added:
are on the field level to bypass the required check that removes the output if the field is hidden. Thanks @rffaguiar.
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- Fixed: Rare case (mediatemple grid server) when file_get_contents won't work outside of the uploads dir. Used curl to grab the font HTML. ;)
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- Fixed: Undefined index for admin bar.
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- Fixed: SMALL issue with WordPress 3.9. Now it works. ;)
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- Fixed: Info and divide field now work with required.
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- Added: Fallback. Now if the media, slides, or background URL doesn't match the site URL, but the attachment ID is present, the data is updated.
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- Fixed: Last tab not properly set. Slow rendering.
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- Modified: Replaced transients with cookies.
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- Fixed: Undefined variable issues for new required methods.
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- Fixed: Default_show display error with a non-array being steralized.
- Added: Multiple required parent value checking! Booya!
- Fixed: Sections now fold with required.
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- Fixed: select2 not rendering properly when dev_mode = false, because of ace_editor fix.
- Fixed: Removed mistakenly compiled test code from redux.js.
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- Fixed: ace_editor not rendering properly in certain instances.
- Modified: Small change to import_export field in checking for existing instance of itself.
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- Fixed: import_export not rendering when the menutype argument was set to menu
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- Fixed: Ace_editor not enqueued unless used. MEMORY HOG.
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- Fixed: Color_Gradient transparency to was being auto-selected if from way transparent.
- Fixed: Enqueue select with slider for local dev.
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- Modified: removed add_submenu_page when creating a submenu for us in the WP admin area. WP approved API is used in it's place to being Redux up to theme check standards.
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- Fixed: Massive speed issue with button_set. Resolved.
- Fixed: Issue where default values throws an error if ID is not set.
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- Fixed: Continuing effort to ensure proper loading of config from child themes.
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- Fixed: Import/Export array search bug if section['fields'] is not defined.
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- Fixed: Inconsistencies in import/export across different versions of PHP.
The big one. ;)
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- Fixed: Redux checks for child or parent theme exclusively before loading.
= 3.1.9 =
- Updated: RGBA Field stability. Thank you, SilverKenn.
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- Modified: Separated Import/Export from the core. It can now be used as a field.
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- Fixed: Typography custom preview text/size not outputting.
- Fixed: No font selected in typography would default to 'inherit'.
- Fixed: Hint feature kicking back a notice if no title was specified.
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- Fixed: Sortable field, when used a checkboxes, were all checked by default, even when set not to be.
- Fixed: button_set field not setting properly in multi mode.
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- Fixed: Javascript console object not printing options object.
- Fixed: Load errors from child themes no longer occur.
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- Modified: Typography word and letter spacing now accept negative values.
- Modified: Typography preview shows spaces between upper and lower case groupings.
- Fixed: Compiler output for slider field.
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- Fixed: update_check produced a fatal error on a local install with no internet connection.
- Modified: Google font CSS moved to header so pages will pass HTML5 validation.
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- Fixed: Compiler hook failing on slider.
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- Fixed: Error on update_check when the response code was something other than 200.
- Modified: Removed Google font CSS line from header (because it's in the footer via wp_enqueue_style.
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Added: Admin notice for new builds of Redux on Github as they become available. This feature is available on in dev_mode, and may be turned off by setting the
argument to false. See the Arguments page of the wiki for more details. -
Added: text-transform option for the typography field.
Fixed: image_select images not resizing properly in FF and IE.
Fixed: Layout for the typography field, so everything isn't smushed together. The new layout is as follows:
[family-font] [backup-font] [style] [script] [align] [transform] [size] [height] [word space] [letter space] [color]
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- Added: Newsletter sign-up popup at first load of the Redux options panel.
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- Added: Added PHP 5.2 support for import/export.
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- Added: Action hooks for options reset and options reset section.
- Added: Theme responsive for date picker.
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- Added: New slider. Better looking UI, double handles and support for floating point values. See the wiki for more info.
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- Fixed: link_color field showing notice on default, if user enters no defaults.
- Fixed: Fixed tab notice in framework.php if no tab parameter is set in URL.
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- Added: Typography improvements.
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- Added: Hints! More info:
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- Added: Complete Wordpress admin color styles. Blessed LESS/SCSS mixins. ;)
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- Added: Font family not required for the typography module any longer.
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- Added: Support for using the divide field in folding.
- Added: Error trapping in typography.js for those still attempting to use typography with no font-family.
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- Added: Full asynchronous font loading.
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- Added: email_not_empty validation field.
- Reverted: email validation field only checks for valid email. not_empty check moved to new validation field.
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- Fixed: Hide demo hook wasn't hiding demo links.
Admin styles and stability
- Fixed: Improper enqueue in tracking class.
- Fixed: Few classes missed for various fields.
- Fixed: Spacing field kicking back notices and warnings when 'output' wasn't set.
- Modified: Added file_exists check to all include lines in framework.php
- Fixed: Background field now works with dynamic preview as it should.
- Fixed: Extension fields now enqueueing properly.
- Added: Text-align to typography field.
- Fixed: Servers returning forwards slashes in TEMPLATEPATH, while Redux is installed embedded would not show options menu.
- Fixed: On and Off for switch field not displaying language translation.
- Fixed: email validation allowing a blank field.
- Fixed: Now allow for empty values as valid keys.
- Added: Dismiss option to admin notices (internal function)
= 3.1.6 =
- Fixed: CSS spacing issue
- Fixed: Customizer now works and doesn't break other customizer fields outside of Redux.
- Fixed: Several minor bug fixes
- Added: Metabox support via extension
- Added: Admin-bar menu
- Fixed: Section field now folds.
- Fixed: wp_content_dir path now handles double forward slashes.
- Fixed: Typography field missing italics in Google fonts.
- Fixed: Default color in border field not saving properly.
- Fixed: hex2rgba in class.redux_helpers.php changed to static.
- Fixed: 'sortable' field type not saving options as default.
- Fixed: Specified default color not set when clicking the color box default button.
- Fixed: Sorter field options are now saved as default in database.
- Fixed: Issues with checkboxes displaying default values instead of labels.
- Fixed: Outstanding render issues with spacing field.
- Fixed: Plugins using Redux from load failure.
- Fixed: 'not_empty' field validation.
- Fixed: Media field.
- Added: 'read-only' option for media text field.
- Added: 'mode' option to image_select, so CSS output element may be specified.
- Modified: Removed raw_align field and added align option to raw field. See wiki for more info.
- Modified: media field 'read-only' to 'readonly' to vonform to HTML standards.
- Removed: EDD extension. It never belonged in Core and will be re-released as a downloadable extension shortly
- Removed: Group field, temporarily.
- Removed: wp_get_current_user check. See
Info field and various bugs.
- Fixed a few undefined variables
- Removed old code from the repo.
- Fix for validation.
- Remove the compiler hook by default.
- Fix to sortable field.
- Added an extra check for link color. Removes user error.
- Localization updates.
- Error in slides.
- Fixed the info box bug with spacing and padding.
- Fixed the first item in each section having WAY too much padding. ;)
- Fixed section reset issue where values weren't being saved to the db properly.
3.1.2 - RGBA and TONS of Fixes.
- Feature - Sortable select boxes!
- Feature - Reset a section only or the whole panel!
- New Field - RGBA Color Field!
- Improvement - Use of REM throughout.
- Fixed Typography - Fix output option and various small bugs.
- Fixed Border - Fix output option and various small bugs.
- Fixed Dimensions - Fix output option and various small bugs.
- Fixed Image_select - Various small bugs.
- Fixed Slides - Various small bugs.
- Fixed Sortable - Using native jQuery UI library same as within WordPress.
- Fixed Slider and Spinner Input Field - Values now move to the closest valid value in regards to the step, automatically.
- Fixed Ace Editor
- FEATURE - All CSS/JS files are compiled into a single file now! Speed improvements for the backend.
- Fix in how WordPress data is received, improved some output.
- Fix for various fields not triggering fold/compiler/save.
- Fixed elusive icons to use the new version and classes.
- Fixed media thumb to only be the thumbnail version.
- Fixed admin https error with WordPress core not renaming URL.
- Placeholders throughout the framework are now properly there.
- Feature - Setting to not save defaults to database on load.
- Fixed - Computability issue with GT3 builder.
- Fixed localization issue with default values.
- Language - Added Russian
- Feature - Media now can have any content type passed in to limit content types.
- Allow negative values in typography and other fields.
- WordPress 3.8 computability.
- CSS validation issue.
- Feature - User contributed text direction feature.
- EDD Extension now fully function for plugins or themes.
- Removed get_theme_data() fallbacks, we're well pass WordPress 3.4 now. ;)
- A ton of other small updates and improvements.
Tons of bug fixes and some new features.
- Fix Issue 224 - Image Select width was breaking the panel.
- Fix Issue 181 - Broken panel in firefox
- Fix Issue 225 - 0px typography bug. Thanks @partnuz.
- Fix Issue 228 - Resolved a duplicated enqueue on color_link field. Thanks @vertigo7x.
- Fix Issue 231 - Field spacing bug fixes.
- Fix Issue 232 & 233 - Dimensions: bug fix with units and multiple units. Thanks @kpodemski
- Fix Issue 234 - Pass options as a ref so validating actions can modify/sanitize them. Thanks @ZeroBeeOne
- Fix Issue 222 - Tab cookie function wasn't working.
- Feature - Pass params to Select2. Thanks @andreilupu
- Fix Issue 238 - Fix for conditional output. Thanks @partnuz.
- Fix Issue 211 - Google Web font wasn't loading at first init of theme.
- Fix Issue 210 - Elusive Icons update. Changed classes to force use of full elusive name.
- Fix Issue 247 - Media thumbnails were not showing. Also fixed media to keep the largest file, but display the small version in the panel as a thumb. Thanks @kwayyinfotech.
- Fix Issue 144 - JS error when no item found in slider.
- Fix Issue 246 - Typography output errors.
- Feature & Issue 259 - Multi-Text now support validation!
- Fix Issue 248/261 - Links color issue. Also fixed color validation.
- Feature & Issue 262 - Now registered sidebars can be used as a data type.
- Fix Issue 194/276 - Custom taxonomy terms now passing properly. Thanks @kprovance.
- Feature & Issue 273 - Argument save_defaults: Disable the auto-save of the default options to the database if not set.
- Feature - Docs now being moved to the wiki for community participation.
- Issue 283 - Date placeholder. Thanks @kprovance.
- Issue 285 - HTTPS errors on admin. Known WordPress bug. Resolved.
- Fix Issue 288 - Float values now possible for border, dimensions, and spacing.
- Feature - Media field can now accept non-image files with a argument being set.
- Fix Issue 252 - Post Type data wasn't working properly. Thanks @Abu-Taymiyyah.
- Fix Issue 213 - Radio and Button Set wasn't folding.
More bug fixes.
- Feature - Added possibility to set default icon class for all sections and tabs.
- Feature - Make is to the WP dir can be moved elsewhere and Redux still function.
- Added Spanish Language. Thanks @vertigo7x.
- Fix Issue 5 - Small RGBA validation fix.
- Fix Issue 176 - Fold by Image Select. Thanks @andreilupu.
- Fix Issue 194 - Custom taxonomy terms in select field.
- Fix Issue 195 - Border defaults not working.
- Fix Issue 197 - Hidden elements were showing up on a small screen. Thanks @ThinkUpThemes.
- Fix issue 200 - Compiler not working with media field.
- Fix Issue 201 - Spacing field not using default values.
- Fix Issue 202 - Dimensions field not using units.
- Fix Issue 208 - Checkbox + Required issue.
- Fix Issue 211 - Google Font default not working on page load.
- Fix Issue 214 - Validation notice not working for fields.
- Fix Issue 181/224 - Firefox 24 image resize errors.
- Fix Issue 223 - Slides were losing the url input field for the image link.
- Fix - Various issues in the password field.
- Fixed various spelling issues and typos in sample-config file.
- Initialize vars before extract() - to shut down undefined vars wargnings.
- Various other fixes.
Various Fixes - Errors in 3.0.7
Had to fix a number of issues that caused problems with 3.0.7.