This is a modern Bulma theme in general made for RevenueFM and now be available for general use under MIT License.
If you are not familiar with Bulma CSS framework you can find the more information and documentation here:
Bulma is a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.
This theme is available through NPM:
npm install revenue-fm-theme
After installation. you can import the CSS file into your project using this snippet:
@import 'revenue-fm-theme/css/revenue-fm-theme.css';
Or import it into your sass file (if you are using webpack):
@import '~revenue-fm-theme/revenue-fm-theme'
Bulma is CSS framework. As such the sole output is a single CSS file. Likewise this theme respects the Bulma foundations and it's also creates a single CSS file which includes the Bulma framework as well.