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GenerateReleaseNotes Node based Cross Platform Task

rfennell edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 87 revisions

IMPORTANT - There have been a number of major versions of this extension each with breaking changes, this is because

  • V1 which used the preview APIs and is required if using TFS 2018 as this only has older APIs. This version is not longer shipped in the extension, but can be download from GitHub
  • V2 was a complete rewrite by @gregpakes using the Node Azure DevOps SDK, with minor but breaking changes in the template format and that oAuth needed to be enabled on the agent running the tasks. At 2.27.x KennethScott added support for Handlbars templates.
  • V3 removed support for the legacy template model, only handlebars templates supported as this is a far more flexible solution and allow much easier enhancement of this task.
  • V4 swapped to support the Node 16 task runner, but no functional or templating changes from V3

Overview of the Cross Platform Release Notes Generator (Version 3 and later)

This task generates a release notes file based on a user defined Handlbars template. It can be using inside any Azure DevOps Classic Build, Classic Release or Multistage YAML Pipeline.

The data source for the generated Release Notes is the Azure DevOps REST API's comparison calls that are also used by the Azure DevOps UI to show the associated Work items and commit/changesets between two builds/releases. Hence this task should generate the same list of work items and commits/changesets as the Azure DevOps UI, though it attempts to enrich this core data with extra information where possible.

Detailed Documentation - The WIKI

Full documentation can be found in the project WIKI

Local Testing (outside Azure Pipelines) of the Task & Templates

To speed the development of this tool and it's templates a tool is provided in this repo to allow local testing. This allows the task to be run against a build/release in a repeatable controllable manner. This makes for much easier debugging of the task code and Handlebar based templates. The usage is

  1. Create a settings files, this includes all the parameter your would set for the task and one injected by the Azure Pipeline Agent
  2. Run the command (as a minimum) to run the task is ode GenerateReleaseNotesConsoleTester.js --filename build-settings.json --pat `

Usage Patterns

Use Cases

The a video on usage of this task is discussed in this DDD Community Conference Session

There are various ways that the task can be used. A common pattern is to use the task multiple times in a CI/CD pipeline.

  1. Run once for every CI build, so you get the build notes of what is new in that build
  2. Run as part of a CD release stage, checking against the last successful deployment to that stage, to generate the release notes specific to that release to a given environment.

Possible sets of parameters depending on your usage are summarized below

Option Multi Stage YAML Classic Build/Release
Generate notes for just the current build Requires checkstages=false parameter Run inside the build
Generate notes since the last successful release.
Option 1. Place the task in a stage that is only run when you wish to generate release notes. Usually this will be guarded by branch based filters or manual approvals.
Requires checkstages=true parameter Run inside the release. Supported and you can override the stage name used for comparison using the overrideStageName parameter
Generate notes since the last successful release.
Option 2. Set the task to look back for the last successful build that has a given tag
Requires checkstages=true and the tags parameters Not supported
Generate notes since the last successful release.
Option 3. Override the build that the task uses for comparison with a fixed value
Requires checkstages=true and the overrideBuildReleaseId parameters Run inside the release. Requires the overrideBuildReleaseId parameter

Where do WI and Changesets come from?

At it's core this task uses the Azure DevOps REST API to get the list of work items and commits/changesets either directly associated with a build, or between two builds/releases (see above).

However, there are also other means to supplement these lists by setting the following parameters

  • To get parent and child work items of those directly associated with the build/release set getAllParents and getParentsAndChildren parameters
  • To get manually linked work items set the checkForManuallyLinkedWI parameter
  • To match commits to Azure DevOps PR cross project within the organisation set the searchCrossProjectForPRs parameter
  • To use a WIQL query to get additional work items set the wiqlWhereClause and wiqlFromTarget parameters or the wiqlSharedQueryName parameter

The Template

There are sample Handlebar templates in the project code repo that just produce basic releases notes for both Git and TFVC based releases. Most samples are for Markdown file generation, but it is possible to generate any other format such as HTML by altering the static entries in the templates.

Note With V3.68.x it is possible to pass more than one template into the task. Thus allowing multiple documents to be generated from a single copy of the task. To do this provide a comma separated list of files in both the templatefile and outputfile parameters.

Handlebar Templates

A basic Handlebars template is as follows. What is done behind the scenes is that each {{properties}} block in the template is expanded by Handlebars. The {{properties}} can be placed inside {{#foreach}} loops to process array based properties e.g list of Work Items.

## Build {{buildDetails.buildNumber}}
* **Branch**: {{buildDetails.sourceBranch}}
* **Tags**: {{buildDetails.tags}}
* **Completed**: {{buildDetails.finishTime}}
* **Previous Build**: {{compareBuildDetails.buildNumber}}

## Associated Pull Requests ({{pullRequests.length}})
{{#forEach pullRequests}}
* **[{{this.pullRequestId}}]({{replace (replace this.url "_apis/git/repositories" "_git") "pullRequests" "pullRequest"}})** {{this.title}}
* Associated Work Items
{{#forEach this.associatedWorkitems}}
   {{#with (lookup_a_work_item ../../relatedWorkItems this.url)}}
    - [{{}}]({{replace this.url "_apis/wit/workItems" "_workitems/edit"}}) - {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}
* Associated Commits (this includes commits on the PR source branch not associated directly with the build)
{{#forEach this.associatedCommits}}
    - [{{this.commitId}}]({{this.remoteUrl}}) -  {{this.comment}}

# Global list of WI with PRs, parents and children
{{#forEach this.workItems}}
{{#if isFirst}}### WorkItems {{/if}}
*  **{{}}**  {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}
   - **WIT** {{lookup this.fields 'System.WorkItemType'}}
   - **Tags** {{lookup this.fields 'System.Tags'}}
   - **Assigned** {{#with (lookup this.fields 'System.AssignedTo')}} {{displayName}} {{/with}}
   - **Description** {{{lookup this.fields 'System.Description'}}}
   - **PRs**
{{#forEach this.relations}}
{{#if (contains 'Pull Request')}}
{{#with (lookup_a_pullrequest ../../pullRequests  this.url)}}
      - {{this.pullRequestId}} - {{this.title}}
   - **Parents**
{{#forEach this.relations}}
{{#if (contains 'Parent')}}
{{#with (lookup_a_work_item ../../relatedWorkItems  this.url)}}
      - {{}} - {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}
      {{#forEach this.relations}}
      {{#if (contains 'Parent')}}
      {{#with (lookup_a_work_item ../../../../relatedWorkItems  this.url)}}
         - {{}} - {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}
   - **Children**
{{#forEach this.relations}}
{{#if (contains 'Child')}}
{{#with (lookup_a_work_item ../../relatedWorkItems  this.url)}}
      - {{}} - {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}
   - **Tested By**
{{#forEach this.relations}}
{{#if (contains 'Tested By')}}
{{#with (lookup_a_work_item ../../testedByWorkItems  this.url)}}
      - {{}} - {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}

# Global list of CS ({{commits.length}})
{{#forEach commits}}
{{#if isFirst}}### Associated commits{{/if}}
* ** ID{{}}**
   -  **Message:** {{this.message}}
   -  **Commited by:** {{}}
   -  **FileCount:** {{this.changes.length}}
{{#forEach this.changes}}
      -  **File path (TFVC or TfsGit):** {{this.item.path}}
      -  **File filename (GitHub):** {{this.filename}}

## List of WI returned by WIQL ({{queryWorkItems.length}})
{{#forEach queryWorkItems}}
*  **{{}}** {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}

## Manual Test Plans
| Run ID | Name | State | Total Tests | Passed Tests |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
{{#forEach manualTests}}
| [{{}}]({{this.webAccessUrl}}) | {{}} | {{this.state}} | {{this.totalTests}} | {{this.passedTests}} |

## Global list of ConsumedArtifacts ({{consumedArtifacts.length}})
| Category | Type | Version Name | Version Id | Commits | Workitems |
{{#forEach consumedArtifacts}}
 |{{this.artifactCategory}} | {{this.artifactType}} | {{#if versionName}}{{versionName}}{{/if}} | {{truncate versionId 7}} | {{#if this.commits}} {{this.commits.length}} {{/if}} | {{#if this.workitems}} {{this.workitems.length}} {{/if}} |

## Artifacts published by build ({{publishedArtifacts.length}})
| Name| Type |
{{#forEach publishedArtifacts}}
 |{{}} | {{this.resource.type}} | 

IMPORTANT Handlebars based templates have different objects available to the legacy template used in V2 of this extension. This is a breaking change, so watch out if migrating.

IMPORTANT You can find more sample templates and extensions here

Objects Available in Templates

The are a wide range of objects available to get data from within templates. Some are always available, some only available in specific usage scenarios e.g only inside Multi-STage YAML

Common objects (Always Available)

Object Description
workItems the array of work item associated with the build/release
commits the array of commits/changesets associated with the build/release
pullRequests the array of PRs (inc. labels, associated WI links and commits to the source branch) referenced by the commits in the build/release
inDirectlyAssociatedPullRequests the array of PRs (inc. labels, associated WI links and commits to the source branch) referenced by associated commits of the directly linked PRs. #866
tests the array of unique automated tests associated with any of the builds linked to the release or the release itself
manualtests the array of manual Test Plan runs associated with any of the builds linked to the release
manualTestConfigurations the array of manual test configurations
relatedWorkItems the array of all work item associated with the release plus their direct parents or children (if getParentsAndChildren is set to true) and/or all parents depending on task parameters (if getAllParents is set to true)
queryWorkItems the array of WI returned by by the WIQL, if a wiqlSharedQueryName or wiqlFromTarget and wiqlWhereClause are defined. Note that this array is completely independent of all other WI arrays.
testedByWorkItems the array of all Test Case work items associated by a Tested By relation to a WI directly associated with the release

Release objects (only available in a Classic UI based Releases)

Object Description
releaseDetails the release details of the release that the task was triggered for.
compareReleaseDetails the the previous successful release that comparisons are being made against
releaseTests the list of test associated with the release e.g. integration tests
builds the array of the build artifacts that CS and WI are associated with. The associated WI, CS etc. in ths object are also will the main objects above, this is a filtered lits by build. Note that this is a object with multiple child properties.
- build - the build details
-- commits - the commits associated with this build
-- workitems - the work items associated with the build
-- tests - the work items associated with the build
-- manualtests - the manual test runs associated with the build
-- relatedWorkItems - the array direct parents or children (if getParentsAndChildren is set to true) and/or all parents (if getAllParents is set to true)

Build objects (available for Classic UI based builds and any YAML based pipelines)

Object Description
buildDetails - if running in a build, the build details of the build that the task is running in.
- if running in a release it is the build that triggered the release.
compareBuildDetails the previous successful build that comparisons are being made against, only available if checkstage=true
currentStage if checkstage=true is enable this object is set to the details of the stage in the current build that is being used for the stage check
consumedArtifacts the artifacts consumed by the pipeline enriched with details where possible, the acutal objects depend on the artifact type
-- artifactCategory
-- artifactType
-- properties
-- versionName
-- commits - the commits associated with the artifact
-- workitems the workitems associated with the artifacts
-- relatedworkitems if getParentsAndChildren is set to true and/or getAllParents is set to true.
If checkStage=true is set then this list should include all changes between the version of the artifact in the current and last successful run of the containing stage
publishedArtifacts the artifacts published by the pipeline

Note: To dump all possible values via the template using the custom Handlebars extension {{json propertyToDump}} this runs a custom Handlebars extension to do the expansion. There are also options to dump these raw values to the build console log or to a file. (See below)

Note: if a field contains escaped HTML encode data this can be returned its original format with triple brackets format {{{lookup this.fields 'System.Description'}}}

Handlebar Extensions

With 2.28.x support was added for Handlebars extensions in a number of ways:

The Handlebars Helpers extension library is pre-load, this provides over 120 useful extensions to aid in data manipulation when templating. They are used the form

## To confirm the Handlebars-helpers is work
The year is {{year}}
We can capitalize "foo bar baz" {{capitalizeAll "foo bar baz"}}

In addition to the Handlebars Helpers extension library, there are also some custom Helpers pre-loaded specific to the needs of this Azure DevOps task

  • json that will dump the contents of any object. This is useful when working out what can be displayed in a template, though there are other ways to dump objects to files (see below)
## The contents of the build object
{{json buildDetails}}
  • lookup_a_work_item this looks up a work item in the global array of work items based on a work item relations URL. Can be used for parent, child or testd by relations

Watch out for the number ../ required, it depends on how deep you foreach nesting is.

{{#forEach this.relations}}
{{#if (contains 'Parent')}}
{{#with (lookup_a_work_item ../../relatedWorkItems  this.url)}}
      - {{}} - {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}
      {{#forEach this.relations}}
      {{#if (contains 'Parent')}}
      {{#with (lookup_a_work_item ../../../../relatedWorkItems  this.url)}}
         - {{}} - {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}
## Associated Pull Requests ({{pullRequests.length}})
{{#forEach pullRequests}}
* **[{{this.pullRequestId}}]({{replace (replace this.url "_apis/git/repositories" "_git") "pullRequests" "pullRequest"}})** {{this.title}}
* Associated Work Items
{{#forEach this.associatedWorkitems}}
   {{#with (lookup_a_work_item ../../relatedWorkItems this.url)}}
    - [{{}}]({{replace this.url "_apis/wit/workItems" "_workitems/edit"}}) - {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}
* Associated Commits (this s commits on the PR source branch not associated directly with the build)
{{#forEach this.associatedCommits}}
    - [{{this.commitId}}]({{this.remoteUrl}}) -  {{this.comment}}
  • lookup_a_pullrequest this looks up a pull request item in the global array of pull requests based on a work item relations URL
{{#forEach this.relations}}
{{#if (contains 'Pull Request')}}
{{#with (lookup_a_pullrequest ../../pullRequests  this.url)}}
      - {{this.pullRequestId}} - {{this.title}}
  • get_only_message_firstline this gets just the first line of a multi-line commit message
  • lookup_a_pullrequest_by_merge_commit this looks up a pull request item in an array of pull requests based on a last merge commit ID
## Associated Pull Requests ({{pullRequests.length}})
{{#forEach pullRequests}}
* **[{{this.pullRequestId}}]({{replace (replace this.url "_apis/git/repositories" "_git") "pullRequests" "pullRequest"}})** {{this.title}}
* Associated Work Items
{{#forEach this.associatedWorkitems}}
   {{#with (lookup_a_work_item ../../relatedWorkItems this.url)}}
    - [{{}}]({{replace this.url "_apis/wit/workItems" "_workitems/edit"}}) - {{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}
* Associated Commits (this includes commits on the PR source branch not associated directly with the build)
{{#forEach this.associatedCommits}}
    - [{{truncate this.commitId 7}}]({{this.remoteUrl}}) - {{get_only_message_firstline this.comment}}
    {{#with (lookup_a_pullrequest_by_merge_commit ../../inDirectlyAssociatedPullRequests  this.commitId)}}
      - Associated PR {{this.pullRequestId}} - {{this.title}}
  • lookup_a_test_configuration this gets the test configuration related to a manual test
## Manual Test Plans with test details
{{#forEach manualTests}}
### [{{}}]({{this.webAccessUrl}}) {{}} - {{this.state}}

| Test | Outcome | Configuration |
| - | - | - |
{{#forEach this.TestResults}}
| {{this.testCaseTitle}} | {{this.outcome}} | {{#with (lookup_a_test_configuration ../../manualTestConfigurations}} {{}} {{/with}} |

Finally there is also support for your own custom extension libraries. These are provided via an Azure DevOps task parameters holding either a block of JavaScript or the path to filename containing the JavaScript which is loaded into the Handlebars templating engine.

Either as inline javaScript

Note: Inline JavaScript can be entered in the YAML as a single line or a multi-line parameter as follows using the | operator

- task: XplatGenerateReleaseNotes@4
      outputfile: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\'
      # all the other parameters required
      customHandlebarsExtensionCode: |
         module.exports = {foo() {
            return 'Returns foo';

Or the custom extension can be passed as file

- task: XplatGenerateReleaseNotes@4
      outputfile: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\'
      # all the other parameters required
      customHandlebarsExtensionFile: $(System.SourceDirectory)\customcode.js

Either way it can be consumed in a template as shown below

## To confirm our custom extension works
We can call our custom extension {{foo}}

As custom modules allows any JavaScript logic to be injected for bespoke needs they can be the solution to your own bespoke filtering and sorting needs. You can find sample of custom modules and how to sructure your custom modules in the Handlebars section of the sample templates section of this repo

Task Parameters

Important: The most up to date, automatically created, parameter documention can be found on the YAML Page usage page in the project WIKI

Once the extension is added to your Azure DevOps Server (TFS) or Azure DevOps Services, the task should be available in the utilities section of 'add tasks'

The task takes the following parameters

Parameter Description
OutputFile for builds this will normally be set to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\ as the release notes will usually be part of your build artifacts. For release management usage the parameter should be set to something like $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\ Where you choose to send the created files is down to your deployment needs. This parameter can be a comma separated list if you wish to generate multiple documents. The number of output files listed must match the number of template files
templateLocation A picker allows you to set if the template is provided as a file in source control or an inline file. The setting of this picker effects which other parameters are shown. Either, the template file name, which should point to a file in source control, or, the template text.
templatefile The name of the Markdown template, if an inline template is not being used. This parameter can be a comma separated list if you wish to generate multiple documents. The number of output files listed must match the number of template files
inlinetemplate The Markdown template, if an inline template is being used
CheckStage If true a comparison is made against the last build that was successful to the current stage, or overrideStageName if specified (Build Only)
ReplaceFile If this is set the output overwrites and file already present.Z
AppendToFile If this is set, and replace file is false then then output is appended to the output file. If false it is preprended.
EmptySetText the text to place in the results file if there is no changeset/commit or WI content
OverrideStageName If set uses this stage name to find the last successful deployment, as opposed to the currently active stage
stopOnRedeploy Do not generate release notes of a re-deploy. If this is set, and a re-deploy occurs the task will succeeds with a warning
sortCS If true will sort commits/changesets by date, if false then it will leave them in the API default order
sortWi If true will sort work items by type, if false then it will leave the work items in default order
showOnlyPrimary If this is set only WI and CS associated with primary artifact are listed, default is false so all artifacts scanned.
checkForManuallyLinkedWI By default WI associated manually with a build/release will not appear in release notes. If this parameter is true they will be added.
searchCrossProjectForPRs If true will try to match commits to Azure DevOps PR cross project within the organisation, if false only searches the Team Project.
GitHubPAT. (Optional) This GitHub PAT is only required to expand commit messages stored in a private GitHub repos. This PAT is not required for commit in Azure DevOps public or private repos or public GitHub repos
BitBucketUser (Optional) To expand commit messages stored in a private Bitbucket repos a BitBucker user and app password need to be provided, it is not required for repo stored in Azure DevOps or public Bitbucket repos.
BitBucketPassword (Optional) See BitBucket User documentation above
DumpPayloadToConsole If true the data objects passed to the file generator is dumped to the log.
DumpPayloadToFile If true the data objects passed to the file generator is dumped to a JSON file.
DumpPayloadFilename The filename to dump the data objects passed to the file generator
getParentsAndChildren Get Direct Parent and Children for associated work items, defaults to false
getAllParents Get All Parents for associated work items, recursing back to workitems with no parents e.g. up to Epics, defaults to false
Tags A comma separated list of pipeline tags that must all be matched when looking for previous successful builds , only used if checkStage=true. If the tag '*' is included then a partial match will be applied meaning if there exists a build with the tags listed its a match even if other tags exists
OverridePat A means to inject a Personal Access Token to use in place of the Build Agent OAUTH token. This option will only be used in very rare situations usually after a support issue has been raised, defaults to empty
OverrideActiveBuildReleaseId For releases or multi-stage YAML this parameter provides a means to set the ID of the 'active release' . If the specified release/build is not found then the task will exit with an error. The override behaviour is as follows.
- (Default) Parameter undefined - Old behaviour, uses Build.BuildId and/or Release.ReleaseId variables
- Empty string - Old behaviour, uses Build.BuildId and/or Release.ReleaseId variables
- A valid build ID (int) - Use the buildID/releaseID instead of the Build.BuildId and/or Release.ReleaseId variables
- An invalid build ID (int) - If a valid build cannot be found then the task exits with a message
- Any other non empty input value - The task exits with an error message
OverrideBuildReleaseId For releases or multi-stage YAML this parameter provides a means to set the ID of the 'last good release' to compare against. If the specified release/build is not found then the task will exit with an error. The override behaviour is as follows.
- (Default) Parameter undefined - Old behaviour, looks for last successful build using optional stage and tag filters
- Empty string - Old behaviour, looks for last successful build using optional stage and tag filters
- A valid build ID (int) - Use the build ID as the comparison
- An invalid build ID (int) - If a valid build cannot be found then the task exits with a message
- Any other non empty input value - The task exits with an error message
getIndirectPullRequests If enabled an attempt will be made to populate a list of indirectly associated PRs i.e PR that are associated with a PR's associated commits #866
stopOnError If enabled will stop the pipeline if there is a Handlebars template error, if false the task will log the error but continue. Default: false
considerPartiallySuccessfulReleases If enabled both successful and partial successful release will be considered when looking for historic releases. Default: false
customHandlebarsExtensionCodeAsFile The filepath where to read to use as the value for customHandlebarsExtensionCode
This is used mainly when a custom extension file wants to be used but dont want to include managing your own npm packages if referencing existing packages like handlebars
customHandlebarsExtensionCode A string containing custom Handlebars extension written as a JavaScript module e.g.
module.exports = {foo: function () {return 'Returns foo';}};.
Note: If any text is set in this parameter it overwrites any contents of the customHandlebarsExtensionFile parameter
customHandlebarsExtensionFolder The folder to look for, or create, the customHandlebarsExtensionFile in. If not set defaults to the task's current directory
customHandlebarsExtensionFile The filename to save the customHandlebarsExtensionCode into if set. If there is no text in the customHandlebarsExtensionCode parameter the an attempt will be made to load any custom extensions from from this file. This allows custom extensions to loaded like any other source file under source control.
wiqlSharedQueryName The name (can include sub folder path) of a Shared Work Item Query in the Shared Queries folder that will be used to retrieve work items e.g. Query1 or My Folder/Query1.
Notes: This parameter if defined will be used in preference to the other WIQL parameters.
The query must be saved as a 'Shared Query'.
As with the other WIQL parameters, you cannot use the all the @ parameter such as @project, @currentIteration or @Me, but @Today works, and the query must return the Work Item ID [System.Id] as a column
wiqlWhereClause A where clause to get a get a list of work items using a WIQL Query e.g. [System.TeamProject] = 'Project Name' and [System.WorkItemType] = 'Product Backlog Item'. Note you cannot use the all the @ parameter such as @project, @currentIteration or @Me, but @Today works. To aid in the creation of your WIQL Where clauses the WIQL Editor extension is highly recommended
wiqlFromTarget The FROM target for the WIQL Query. e.g. SELECT [System.Id] FROM workitems WHERE ... (Default is WorkItems)
outputVariableName Name of the variable that release notes contents will be copied into for use in other tasks. As an output variable equates to an environment variable, so there is a limit on the maximum size. For larger release notes it is best to save the file locally as opposed to using an output variable. Note that if generating multiple document then this output variable is set to the value of the first document generated
getPRDetails If true all PRs in the project, or organisation, will be scanned for associations. There is an option to disable this feature as this scan is slow and not always required, but getPRDetailsRepositoryId and getPRDetailsRefName can be used to constrain search space. (Default true)
getPRDetailsRepositoryId Helps improving performance during Get PR details step by filtering only the PRs of specific Azure DevOps Git repo (Default to not set i.e. search all repos)
getPRDetailsRefName Helps improving performance during Get PR details step by filtering only the PRs merged into specified branch e.g. refs/heads/main (Default to not set i.e. search all branches)
getTestedBy If true any Test Case WIs linked to associated WIs by a Tested By relation will be added to the testedByWorkItems array (Default true)

Output location

When using this task within a build then it is sensible to publish the release notes files as a build artifacts.

However, within a release there are no such artifacts location. Hence, it is recommended that a task such as the WIKI Updater is used to upload the resultant file to a WIKI. Though there are other options such as store the file on a UNC share, in an Azure DevOps Artifact or sent as an email.


Local Debugging and Template Generation

Look at using the local console testing tool to repeatedly test your templates against a specific pipeline.

This is useful when developing your own templates, or if you have an issue you can added extra logging or potential fixes and test them prior to deploying the task.

Dumping the JSON payload

You can dump the JSON payload passed into the Handlebars template using the dumpPayloadToConsole and dumpPayloadToFile|dumpPayloadFileName parameters, the latter is the recommended approach due to the volume of content.

This file can be very useful when working out what can be exposed via a Handlebars template.


This task makes many calls to the Azure DevOps REST API, the volume depends on the number of associated items with a build. This volume of calls can result in timeouts, it is assumed this is due to throttling by the API. If a timeout occurs the task fails with an error in the form

Error: connect ETIMEDOUT

This is an issue with the underlying Azure DevOps Node SDK or REST API endpoints, not this task. Hence, an issue has been raised in the the appropriate Repo #425

Historically the only workaround has been to always place this task, and any associated tasks e.g. one that upload the generated release notes to a WIKI, in a dedicated YML pipeline job. This allows the task to be easily retried without rerunning the whole pipeline. However, with 3.37.x the error traps have been changed in the task to treat any error that occurs whilst accessing the API as a warning, but allow the task to run on to try to generate any release notes it can with the data it has managed to get. This is far from perfect but a bit more robust.

OAUTH Scope limiting what Associated Items can be seen

This task uses the build agent's access OAUTH token to access the Azure DevOps API. The permissions this identity has is dependant upon the the Job authorization scope.

Cross project permissions are made more complex by the new default settings for recently created Team Projects (created since late 2020). These can effect this task's operation why trying to find associated items from other Team Projects.

Note This setting is not a problem in older Team Projects, where the default setting to off

So, if you find that the workItems and relatedWorkItems objects are unexpectedly empty arrays when you expect values from other Team Projects check that the project settings:

Project Settings > Pipelines > Limit job authorization scope to current project for release pipelines


Project Settings > Pipelines > Limit job authorization scope to current project for non-release pipelines

they should both be set to disabled

Note If you wish to confirm this is an issue you can inject a different PAT using the overridePat parameter. This PAT will be used in place of the OAUTH Token

Clone this wiki locally