Preliminary app that allows users to create their own yoga sequences, directed at teachers, but students may also find this tool to be helpful. Teachers can store the sequences they have created using this application.
In your terminal, enter the following commands:
git clone <directory_of_workspace>
cd <directory_of_workspace>
cd yoga_sequences_backend
bundle install
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
rake db:seed
and add the following:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost', port:3001}
This indicates that the backend will be served up by port 3001.
- Start a new database, and name it where you will use it to create your tables and records of data
- Create a user and add it to to the default role of admin for the database.
- Modify js_rails_project_backend/config/database.yml by changing the following lines:
- if
is commented out, uncomment it.
rails s
- From the terminal, exit to the parent folder and
cd yoga_sequences_frontend
. - On the client side, install all necessary packages by entering `npm install'.
- Follow the instructions in the terminal if it may be necessary to update any packages.
- Enter
npm start
. - Open up your browser.
- Enter
- create-react-app
- VS Code
- Grace Shih - Initial work for a yoga sequencing application.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
- Geniuses at StackOverflow for their never ending help when I encounter any problems
- W3Schools
- Dakota Martinez from Flatiron for his authorization/authentication code and countless number of hours he spent helping everyone during study groups that I joined. His guidance has really helped in debugging issues.