Visualization of weather data in SPA using Node.js, AJAX, jQuery, HTML, CSS, and XSLT.
Use the package manager npm to install node modules.
npm install
// download data files based on user inputs year
// pipe data to save downloaded data
const file = fs.createWriteStream(`../data/${year}`);
http.get(url, function(res) {
// read and compare the downloaded data file and actual data file using buffer
// if there is problem in downloading then display results from actual data file
const downloadPathBuffer = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(`../downloads/${year}`));
const dataPathBuffer = Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync(`../data/${year}`));
var checkBuffer = downloadPathBuffer.includes(dataPathBuffer);
readDataFile(downloadPath, callbackResult => {
processing.calculation(request, response, callbackResult);
readDataFile(dataPath, callbackResult => {
processing.calculation(request, response, callbackResult);
// store avgWs, currentWs and currentsr in JSON object array in month-1 position
weatherObjArray[month-1] = {'avgWs':avgWs, 'totalWs': currentws,'totalSr': currentsr};
This application is a part of the university assessment of the unit ICT375 (Advance Web Programming).
Purpose of weather_forecast app is to read data from the data file, convert XML into JSON format and display data of user-requested timeframe(2007-2016) and measures(solar rad, wind speed, both) in users choice of format(graph, table, both).