React Native cross-platform (iOS/Android) toast notification component highly customizable.
$ yarn add @rimiti/react-native-toastify
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Button, View} from 'react-native';
import Toast from '@rimiti/react-native-toastify';
export default class Layout extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<View style={{paddingTop: 300}}>
<Button onPress={() =>'Hello World !', 1000)} title="Demo" />
<Toast ref={(c) => this.toastify = c} />
Props Type Description Usage
style {View} Style definitions for the global element (optional)
position {top, center, bottom} Position of toast. (optional)
textStyle {Text} Style definitions for the toast text element (optional)
positionValue {number} Position value of toast (optional)
fadeInDuration {number} Duration of fade in (optional)
fadeOutDuration {number} Duration of fade out (optional)
opacity {number} Opacity value (optional)
durationShort {number} Show duration (optional)
defaultCloseDelay {number} Close delay duration (optional)
end {number} End value of animation (optional)
Run using npm run <script> command.
clean - remove coverage data, Jest cache and transpiled files,
lint - lint source files and tests,
test - lint, typecheck and run tests with coverage,
test-only - run tests with coverage,
test:watch - interactive watch mode to automatically re-run tests,
build - compile source files,
build:watch - interactive watch mode, compile sources on change.