Get prayer times in Sweden based on the data from Islamiska Förbundet's website.
$ npm install sweden-prayer-times
Get prayer times in Stockholm:
const swedenPrayerTimes = require("sweden-prayer-times");
(async () => {
const prayerTimes = await swedenPrayerTimes("Stockholm");
The example output:
city: "Stockholm",
date: "2018-01-30",
schedule: {
fajr: "05:35",
sunrise: "07:57",
dhuhr: "12:07",
asr: "13:39",
maghrib: "16:05"
isha: "17:25"
const swedenPrayerTimes = require("sweden-prayer-times");
(async () => {
const prayerTimes = await getPrayerTimes("Uppsala", "2018-08-17");
const swedenPrayerTimes = require("sweden-prayer-times");
(async () => {
try {
const prayerTimes = await getPrayerTimes("Foo");
} catch(error) {
swedenPrayerTimes(city, [date])
): The city name in
): The date to retrieve, default to today's date. It will be parsed bydate-fns/parse
It returns a Promise
which when resolved contains an object with the following structure:
city: "Stockholm",
date: "2018-01-30",
schedule: {
fajr: "05:35",
sunrise: "07:57",
dhuhr: "12:07",
asr: "13:39",
maghrib: "16:05"
isha: "17:25"
- sweden-prayer-times-cli: The CLI tool for this module.
This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Islamiska Förbundet or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial API.