Robert is a Python Stack Software Developer with junior level of experience. Currently have a certification in Full Stack Web Development and has some of experience building web applications.
Generally use Django as the server side Python web framework and React as the single-page-rendering UI JavaScript web framework. Django is very popular due to fast production towards building up web APIs due to built in features like a user login and authentification as well as an ORM to easily implement databases for any project that needs an API. React is the most popular SPA framework today because it makes sites run faster by only acessing the data on the server when needed. Also like to use Bootstrap for styling web pages faster than CSS.
Relational Database options based off of SQL and useful for structured data: PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. Document-based Database option built off of JSON and useful for unstructured data MongoDB.
NumPy for quick calculations and handling data. Pandas for data manipulation and extraction. Matplotlib for Data Visualization.
- GitHub: Version Control Management and Collaboration tool
- GitHub Actions: CI/CD
- GitHub Pages: Deploy static pages
Mainly only know AWS with AWS EC2 is AWS' IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) tool and AWS S3 is AWS' Cloud Object Storage tool.
Nginx is a HTTP server proxy tool. Gunicorn is the Python implementation of Nginx. YAML is a data serialization tool really good with CI/CD and Deployment. Cypress is a JavaScript end-to-end testing framework. API tools are JSON and XML.
My portfolio for both Computer Programming and Music Production. View Live Site or View GitHub Repository.
Status: Ongoing
- Implemented React to render 15 markdown files to present project information on a static site.
- Designed UI to present work skills and projects to users with the help of Bootstrap.
- Deployed static React site using GitHub Pages to present prior experiences live.
Blog site for my music production. GitHub Account.
Status: In Development
- Engineered Django packages to handle ORM server-database interaction with correctly routed HTML templates.
- Utilize python markdown library so that authors can style the blog articles and add in links to media
- Designed UI on HTML templates using Bootstrap.
A group of plugins I'm building for easy development in Django. View GitHub Repository
Status: On Hold (based off of the Comet of Dreams Blog Website)
Technologies: Django
- Designed and implemented UI testing framework to enable automated regression testing.
- Developed over 200 automated UI regression tests to ensure website behavior using Cypress and GitHub Actions.
- Utilized webhooks on Slack to notify developers when the daily UI regression test fail.
- Resolved bugs on XetHub (bought out by Hugging Face in 2024) pertaining to UI and repository issues.
An application inspired by Apple's Reminders application as an online app to keep a todo list of tasks for each user. GitHub Repository | AWS Live Site - Currently Down
- Designed a scalable database schema built with MySQL to hold user input data including user and task information.
- Modularized the app with Flask to handle the server-database interaction and utilized Bootstrap to style HTML templates for enhanced user experience.
- Deployed application using AWS EC2 and S3 instance for others to use the application for their benefit.
A group project of developers where we built a fake social media app to test our skills for building a web application with Flask. GitHub Repository
- Collaborated remotely on a developer team with others.
- Owned the design of a scalable database schema built with MySQL to user input data including saving user registration, posts, and comment information.
- Modularized the app with Flask to handle the server-database interaction and engineered routes of the controllers for posts and users so that each web page will be routed to correct HTML templates.
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node which is soley JavaScript or even TypeScript web framework. Can be used for websites that doesn't need a robust server.
Can use Flask instead of Django as the server side web framework for smaller scale websites in Python development.
List of my practice with Data Structures and Algorithms
- Python
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Go - Learning Go
As mentioned before, I am a music producer who goes by Comet of Dreams. In music I have an Associates Degree in Audio Engineering and a background in playing guitar, drums, and synthesizers to compuse my own music. I've fully produced 2 EPs currently on streaming services. Feel free to listen: Spotify | Apple Music | YouTube Music
I've also done other projects you can go to Portfolio Website and go under audio production to view more.
- Pokemon
- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- Tolkien's Middle Earth Stories
- Harry Potter/ Fantastic Beasts
- Legend of Zelda Games
- Mario Francise Games
- Civilization 6 Game
- One Piece Anime
The best way you can reach me is emailing me.