WordSequenceAligner is a Java class that aligns two string sequences
and calculates metrics such as word error rate (WER). Pretty-printing
enables human-readable logging of alignments and metrics.
This class is intended to reproduce the main functionality of the
NIST sclite tool. The Sphinx 4 source for the class
edu.cmu.sphinx.util.NISTAlign was referenced when writing the
WordSequenceAligner code.
Feedback and bugfixes are welcomed.
Brian Romanowski
[email protected]
This code is licensed under one of the BSD variants, please see
LICENSE.txt for full details.
WordSequenceAligner werEval = new WordSequenceAligner();
String [] ref = "the quick brown cow jumped over the moon".split(" ");
String [] hyp = "quick brown cows jumped way over the moon dude".split(" ");
Alignment a = werEval.align(ref, hyp);
Produces the output:
# seq # ref # hyp # cor # sub # ins # del acc WER # seq cor
STATS: 1 8 9 6 1 2 1 0.75 0.5 0
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
REF: THE quick brown COW jumped *** over the moon ****
HYP: *** quick brown COWS jumped WAY over the moon DUDE
Where the top portion of the output are the statistics for the given
pair of reference/hypothesis sentences, and the lower portion
displays the alignment, visually.