Releases: ron190/jsql-injection
Releases · ron190/jsql-injection
jSQL Injection v0.101
- Add database vendor blind fingerprinting
- Optimize concurrency, shutdown and non-progress threads
- Improve vuln report
- Warn about missing strategies implementation
- Remove Time from Sqlite
- Remove Memsql and CockroachDB as clones
- Improve clones fingerprinting
- Improve Vertica schema query and fix field casting
- Fix Vertica/Postgres fingerprint collision
- Improve falsy/truthy lists on Oracle
- Improve failsafe on Oracle
- Improve modes test order on Blind/Time
- Improve characters insertion test order
- Add TryHackMe and Burp labs to Scan list
jSQL Injection v0.100
- Add vulnerability report (contribution by @DelvinBa)
- Handle incorrect domain authority
- I18n improvement and cleaning
- Upgrade dependencies version
jSQL Injection v0.99
- Fix issue with non ASCII domain names (punycode compatibility)
- Allow restricted headers: connection, content-length, expect, host, upgrade
- Handle incorrect URI and header, empty csrf token, out of memory error, concurrent modification
- Use default encoding instead of system encoding
- Upgrade version dependencies
- Validate jdk21 compatibility
jSQL Injection v0.98
- Improve console unhandled error
- Upgrade dependencies
- Fix automatic issue report
jSQL Injection v0.97
Restore automatic issue report
jSQL Injection v0.96
- Fix bug in cookie processing
- Reported by @DelvinBa
- improve mysql dios
- upgrade dependencies version
- improve javadoc
jSQL Injection v0.95
- Improve prefix and query size
- Star param * now checks for insertion char
- Check for multiple star params *
- Keep console tabs colored until clicked
- Remove stacktrace from error messages
- Add Postgres Error strategy Cast:stacked
- Add Postgres query for reading file
- Add Postgres system filenames to File list
- Add SQL Server Stacked strategy
- Improve DB2 Error strategy detection
- Improve DB2 queries reliability
jSQL Injection v0.94
- Fix Sleep Time always applied when disabled in Preference
- Fix URL encoding always applied in path when disabled in Preference
- Fix strategy Stacked not applied
- Optimize SQL query (1x character removed)
jSQL Injection v0.93
- Add Boolean no-mode (special use case)
- Reported by @mastercho
- Add Preference to disable URL random suffix
- Fix empty String not possible in SQL Engine
- Add CTF platforms to Scan list
jSQL Injection v0.92
- Add Multibit strategy (3 times faster than Blind)
- Add Preference to disable strategies
- Replace Boolean size queries with trail query
- Optimize SQLite calibrator
- Add vulnweb,, hackthebox URLs to Scan
- Fix i18n managers tabs
- Optimize Boolean false positive detection