CLI Identity Wallet Implementation
Gradle version 7, or newer
Install Mongodb:
note: WAL will connect to mongodb on localhost:27017 -
Set the following environment variables:
IOG Repository credentials:
PRISM_SDK_USER = (Request to IOG)
Atala PRISM Node host and port:
PRISM_NODE_HOST = (Request to IOG)
PRISM_NODE_PORT = (Request to IOG, default 50053)
Github credentials, generate a personal access token (PAT) with read:packages option enabled.
GITHUB_USER = <github user>
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Checkout the main branch:
git checkout main
⚠ - Using a terminal run the following command on the repository root folder:
gradle run shadowJar
- On linux and mac run:
chmod u+x
- Use the command
./ -h
(linux, mac) orwal -h
(windows) to see WAL options:
Usage: wal options_list
new-wallet - Create a wallet
list-wallets - List wallets
show-mnemonic - Show wallet mnemonic phrase and passphrase
export-wallet - Export a wallet
import-wallet - Import a wallet
new-did - Create a DID
list-dids - List wallet DIDs
show-did - Show a DID document
publish-did - Publish a DID
resolve-prism-did - Resolve PRISM did and show DID document
issue-cred - Issue a credential
verify-cred - Verify a credential
export-cred - Export an issued credential
import-cred - Import a credential
revoke-cred - Revoke a credential
add-key - Add a key to a DID
revoke-key - Revoke DID key
create-peer-did - Creates a new Peer DID and corresponding secrets
resolve-peer-did - Resolve a Peer DID to DID Doc JSON
pack - Packs the message
unpack - Unpacks the message
--help, -h -> Usage info
The tool isn't intended for production use. Its design doesn't contemplate security. Data is stored in the database in plain text to expose the semantics and facilitate inspection. Eventually, an encryption layer will be added but right now is not a priority.
- Tutorial
- Technical discussions regarding WAL-CLI implementation
- Bug Report and feature request
- Original proposal
- Windows WSL2 setup:
- Mongodb:
- Mongodb Windows WSL setup here
- To start mongodb:
sudo mongod --dbpath ~/data/db
- Check if the mongo instance is running
ps -e | grep 'mongod'
- mongosh usage instructions
- Environment variables:
- To add environment variables:
nano ~/.bashrc
- Add the environment variables to the file:
export <variable name>= <value>
- load the new envvars:
source ~/.bashrc
- Check envvars:
- To add environment variables:
- Mongodb: