DISCLAIMER: this repository is just a proof of concept that isn't meant to be used by any means at a company. Use it at your own risk.
Generic Helm Chart for deploying applications to Kubernetes.
Inspired by TicketMaster's talk at KubeCon (2017), this Chart pretends to be the one used on the deployment process of our applications. This way a team/company can centralize all good-practices and standardize their deployment process in a friction-less manner.
This Chart was created to be used from a CI/CD pipeline, but nothing stops you to use it directly from the command line.
helm repo add k8s-apps https://rubasace.github.io/k8s-application-chart
helm install my-app -n my-namespace -f values.yaml k8s-apps/kubernetes-application
It's really as simple as the Command Line version, with the only difference that it's a good practice to ping the pipeline to a specific version of the Chart, to ensure that it 's reproducible and avoid surprises.
There's also an extension for Drone that can be found here (can easily be applied to any Docker based CI/CD tool).
While this Chart works out-of-the-box, it's too generic for being used as it is. Things like the domain are left in the air, so it's a good practice to just extend/fork it in order to adapt it to your specific scenario, instead of having to provide the same values over and over again.