Building a cheap and simple thermal, mechanical camera.
Specs: Taking 400x200 image takes roughly 30 min.
Hardware requirements:
- Metallized, parabolic mirror - "Survival Solar Lighter".
- 3D printed mounts for motors and mirror.
- Two stepper motors - 28byj-48, these motors will be used as bipolar motors.
- Two motor controllers based on L293D.
- Thermopile sensor:
a) TS118, needs additional circuitry for amplifying the signal.
b) MLX90614ESF, has circuitry inside so you don't need to create one (Recommended choice!).
- Amplifying circuitry, needed only if you're going to use TS118.
- Arduino
- MicroSD card module for arduino
Arduino code:
a) For MLX90614ESF, this sensor returns temperature by I2C protocol.
b) For TS118, this sensor returns analogue signal, which will be converted to temperature afterwards.
Overall cost - 25$.
Folders descriptions:
- arduino\scanner - contains arduino code for running the scanning process.
- circuits - contains circuits for stepper controller and signal amplification.
- 3d-models - containts 3d models of mounts.
- sample-images - contains thermal images.
- scanner-photos - contains photos of a scanner.