Gun has issues when running from NodeJS. This is a testing rig for that.
- use the latest Gun code (so, always set-up from
) - have a way of doing specific tests with specific settings
- have a way of selecting specific NodeJS versions
By default, node:latest
is used as the base image. You can select which version of the node
image you want by setting the NODEVER
build arg to any of the tags supported by the node
image. For example:
docker-compose build --build-arg NODEVER=10`
...will build the image based on node:10
image. Be advised, only Debian stretch
-based tags have been tested (but others should work)!
$ docker-compose up -d && docker-compose exec gun bats /opt/gun-nodejs-bugs/tests/
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating gun-nodejs-bugs_gun_1 ... done
$ docker-compose exec gun /bin/bash
root@df39511e59ec:/opt/gun# node /opt/gun-nodejs-bugs/
gun-nodejs-bugs [options] <command> [positionals]
gun-nodejs-bugs get <key> [subkey] View a Gun node.
gun-nodejs-bugs put <key> <subkey> Update a Gun node.
--version Show version number [boolean]
-d, --debug Enable debug output [boolean] [default: true]
-P, --peer Upstream peer
[string] [default: "http://localhost:8765/gun"]
-L, --local-storage Should localStorage be used [boolean] [default: false]
-R, --radisk Should radisk be used [boolean] [default: false]
-A, --axe Should AXE be used [boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
$ docker-compose exec gun bats /opt/gun-nodejs-bugs/tests/001-put-axe.bats
✓ put() without AXE
✗ put() with AXE
(in test file /opt/gun-nodejs-bugs/tests/001-put-axe.bats, line 8)
`node /opt/gun-nodejs-bugs/ get "$BATS_TEST_FILENAME" "$BATS_TEST_NAME" | grep "$BATS_TEST_FILENAME.$BATS_TEST_NAME: $BATS_TEST_NAME"' failed
DEBUG :: gunSettings:
- localStorage : false
- peers : http://localhost:8765/gun
- radisk : false
- axe : true
DEBUG :: using default gunInstance
Hello wonderful person! :) Thanks for using GUN, feel free to ask for help on and ask StackOverflow questions tagged with 'gun'!
DEBUG :: SEA.throw is: true
AXE enabled.
AXE enabled.
DEBUG :: key: /opt/gun-nodejs-bugs/tests/001-put-axe.bats
DEBUG :: subkey: test_put-28-29_with_AXE
DEBUG :: text: test_put-28-29_with_AXE
2 tests, 1 failure