a bokeh mdm theme for linux This is a very simple and clean theme I made this time around just a simple bokeh theme install instructions Grab the tar file download it to your computer. Go to settings menu > settings scroll down to to login window type in your password when it request it drag the bokeh tar file into the window that pops up andd install it when prompted. after it is installed select it close window and next you login it will show up.
If you have any questions feel free to visit the Linux Mint forum and leave a message there under html5 themes https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=126979&sid=5537514612a5333a1b8e423b7265cd9e&start=360 I'm usually hanging around there or someone else can help you out. The artwork is mine but feel free to fork it or use the code to make your own mdm animated theme.
The animation was made with phaser html5 framework You can get it here: http://phaser.io
or better yet, I used the phaser editor which has everything already built in and makes life a lot easier. you can get it here: http://phasereditor.boniatillo.com/ It is better to use the editor and there is a linux version. He put a lot of effort into this editor which is eclipse based and there is a ton of options to use and help guides along with samples already built in.
The phaser website also has a ton of examples to help you along.
Enjoy and happy coding Sam
Here is a video of it in action