Heimdall is a dashboard for operating Flink jobs and deployments. Built-in Flink UI is extremely useful when dealing with a single job, but what if you have 10, 20 or 100 jobs? Heimdall helps to keep track of all your Flink jobs by searching, filtering, sorting and navigating them.
Read more in my blog: Heimdall: Making Operating Flink Deployments a Bit Easier.
Note: currently, Heimdall only supports Flink jobs deployed with Flink Kubernetes Operator.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sap1ens/heimdall/main/tools/k8s-operator/service-account.yaml
kubectl run heimdall --image=ghcr.io/sap1ens/heimdall:0.7.0 --port=8080 --overrides='{ "spec": { "serviceAccount": "heimdall-service-account" } }'
kubectl port-forward heimdall 8080:8080
open http://localhost:8080
Heimdall is available as a Docker container here. Since only Flink Kubernetes Operator as available at the moment you'd typically deploy Heimdall as a pod or deployment in the same cluster.
Heimdall uses port 8080 and exposes liveness and readiness endpoints at /q/health/live
and /q/health/ready
Job locator (implements FlinkJobLocator
interface) is a mechanism for discovering running Flink jobs in Heimdall.
Can be enabled with heimdall.joblocator.k8s-operator.enabled
config. Currently, enabled by default. It loads
custom resource (CR) created by the Flink Kubernetes Operator.
A service account with read-only access to flinkdeployment
CR is required. See tools/k8s-operator/service-account.yaml for an example.
By default, all data received from a locator is cached in memory for 5 seconds. This can be disabled or configured to use a different interval (see this page).
Environment variable | Default | Description |
QUARKUS_HTTP_CORS_ORIGINS | http://localhost:5173 | Comma separated list of valid origins allowed for CORS. Change to http://localhost:8001 when using kubectl proxy . |
HEIMDALL_PATTERNS_DISPLAY_NAME | $jobName | Pattern for showing Flink job name. Metadata fields (e.g. Kubernetes labels) can be accessed via $metadata.labelName syntax. |
HEIMDALL_ENDPOINT_PATH_PATTERNS_FLINK_UI | http://localhost/$jobName/ui | Pattern for the Flink UI endpoint. $jobName will be substituted. Set to an empty string to disable. |
HEIMDALL_ENDPOINT_PATH_PATTERNS_FLINK_API | http://localhost/$jobName/api | Pattern for the Flink API endpoint. $jobName will be substituted. Set to an empty string to disable. |
HEIMDALL_ENDPOINT_PATH_PATTERNS_METRICS | http://localhost/$jobName/metrics | Pattern for the Metrics endpoint. $jobName will be substituted. Set to an empty string to disable. |
HEIMDALL_ENDPOINT_PATH_PATTERNS_LOGS | http://localhost/$jobName/logs | Pattern for the Logs endpoint. $jobName will be substituted. Set to an empty string to disable. |
Environment variable | Default | Description |
HEIMDALL_JOBLOCATOR_K8S_OPERATOR_ENABLED | true | Is this locator enabled? |
HEIMDALL_JOBLOCATOR_K8S_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE_TO_WATCH | default | Kubernetes namespace to use. |
This project uses:
You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:
./gradlew quarkusDev
The application can be packaged using:
./gradlew build
It produces the quarkus-run.jar
file in the build/quarkus-app/
Be aware that it’s not an über-jar as the dependencies are copied into the build/quarkus-app/lib/
The application is now runnable using java -jar build/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar
If you want to build an über-jar, execute the following command:
./gradlew build -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar
The application, packaged as an über-jar, is now runnable using java -jar build/*-runner.jar
This project is sponsored by Goldsky ❤️.