Make asynchronous tests on Device easy.
for Unity 5.6 or later.
Running Unity Tests on Devices and show results. Also running Unity Tests on Editor.
- Open Window > Test Runner > click PlayMode button.
- click Create PlayMode test button.
- Restart Unity once.
- Open /Assets/SampleScene.unity
- All sample tests will run automatically when play.(for Player)
- or, click RunAll button on Test Runner window.(for Editor)
- Open Window > Test Runner > click PlayMode button.
- click Create PlayMode test button.
- Restart Unity once.
- Open "MiyamasuTestRunner.unitypackage".
- write new test in your Assets/ folder.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using Miyamasu;
public class SuccessSample : MiyamasuTestRunner {
// MSetup is annotation for setup.
// method should return void or IEnumerator.
[MSetup] public void Setup () {
// MTeardown is annotation for setup.
// method should return void or IEnumerator.
[MTeardown] public void Teardown () {
// MTest is annotation for test case.
// method should return IEnumerator.
[MTest] public IEnumerator Same () {
AreEqual("a", "a");
yield return null;
[MTest] public IEnumerator DoneInTime () {
var obj = new GameObject("runner");
var runner = obj.AddComponent<Runner>();
// WaitUntil method can wait that some condition is achieved.
// 1st func<bool> is the condition of this waiting. when returns true, finish waiting.
// 2nd action is for throw timeout exception. you can set original message for fail by timeout.
// 3rd double parameter is time limit in sec. default is 5sec.
yield return WaitUntil(
() => runner.n == 10,// enough small.
() => {throw new TimeoutException("not yet. runner.n:" + runner.n);},
You can run miyamasu tests both UnityEditor and device.
see Unity > Window > Miyamasu Test Runner > Open Settings.
if "runOnPlay" is checked, all tests will run on Play, even if running on Device. else, you can run tests by Unity -> Window -> TestRunner -> PlayMode button -> Run tests which you need.
- run on UnityCloudBuild.
- device tests orchestration.
- send failed test logs to Slack.
- accept command from Slack then run specific tests on device.
see below.