An in memory implementation of java.nio.FileSystem written in java, suitable for testing.
EphemeralFs tries to mimic the behaviour of java.nio.FileSystem for Windows, OS-X and Linux as closely as possible.
EphemeralFsFileSystemChecker allows asserting that all resources are closed, and that all file contents have been properly fsynced.
EphemeralFs is available in maven as com.github.sbridges:ephemeralfs: :
FileSystem fs = EphemeralFsFileSystemBuilder
Path testDir = fs.getPath("/testDir");
Files.write(testDir.resolve("cafe"), new byte[] {'c', 'a', 'f', 'e'});
FileSystem fs = EphemeralFsFileSystemBuilder
Path testDir = fs.getPath("m:\\windwosTestDir");
Files.write(testDir.resolve("dir"), new byte[] {'d', 'o', '5'});
FileSystem fs = EphemeralFsFileSystemBuilder
Files.newOutputStream(fs.getPath("/testFile"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE);
//this will throws as the stream above was not closed
//the AssertionError will contain the stack
//trace of where the stream was opened
- Basic file/directory operations such as reading, writing ,moving etc
- InputStream, OutputStream
- SeekableByteChannel, FileChannel, AsynchronousFileChannel
- Symbolic links
- Hard links
- SecureDirectoryStream
- BasicFileAttributes, PosixFileAttributes, DosFileAttributes
- "basic", "dos", "owner", "posix", "unix" file attributes
- WatchService
- Globs
- FileLock
- Maximum file system size
- Checking file system state (all resources closed, all files fsynced)
- Users/Groups
- File Permissions
- Last access time
- File sizes > 2GB
- FileTypeDetector
- AclFileAttributeView
Path#toFile is specified to only return a File for the default provider.
FileChannel#map can't be implemented since MappedByteBuffer declares all its methods final.