This repository contains YAML files that you need for your first own ArgoCD. It also contains the ArgoCD resources that were used in the IBM Talk.
First you have to edit the group in the file "cluster-group.yaml" and add your name and maybe those of your friends. After that you have to ask nicely a cluster admin if he can roll out the group and the cluster-reader rights for the service account of your ArgoCD. If you have the rights yourself execute the following commands:
$ oc apply -f cluster-group.yaml
$ oc apply -f cluster-rbac.yaml
Nachdem nun die lästigen Clusterregeln ausgerollt wurden, könnt Ihr über Kustomize den gesamten Stack ausrollen:
$ oc apply -k ./
IMPORTANT! After you rollout the ArgoCD Stack, Go Inside your ArgoCD instance go to the ArgoCD cluster settings and add the namespaces from the applications or from the example. (Settings > Clusters > in-cluster > namespaces)
You´ve finished! (: