Quantum uses Lua for buildfiles, this is where the SEMC specific buildfiles are hosted. Learn about the Quantum here
First you need to clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/semissioncontrol/repos.git
Then you need to change into the repository directory:
cd repo/repo
Then make a directory for the package:
mkdir repo/repo/foo
Then change into that:
cd foo
Then, in your packages directory, make a new file called quantum.lua
Now, we define the package:
For a package downloaded from git,
package = {
name = "foo",
version = "source",
source = "https://foo.bar/foo.git",
git = true
For a package downloaded as a tarball,
package = {
name = "foo",
version = "1.2",
source = "https://foo.bar/foo-1.2.tar.gz",
git = false
And for dependencies:
dependencies = {
Now we define the build steps:
function build()
And now the install:
function install()
Note: quantum_install
moves a file to the final directory
Note: To run a shell command use os.execute("[command]")