OnboardKit |
✈️ A clean toolkit for onboarding (iOS & macOS) |
TagBarLib |
↔️ Horizontal TagBar for iOS |
SplitViewKit |
🗺️ Easily config multi-column apps (iPad and macOS) |
SideBarKit |
🍫 Plug and play modular SideBar for macOS / iPad |
SearchBarKit |
🔍 Sleek searchbar for iOS and macOS |
PinView |
🔐 A sleek PinCodeView for iOS and macOS |
SecureInput |
🔒 Secure input UI (macOS / iOS) |
LockScreenView |
🗝️ Add lockability to your app |
PageControl |
🚥 SwiftUI PageControl for macOS |
PageControllerView |
📖 SwiftUI PageControllerView for macOS |
HoverMenu |
📋 Provides a hover menu implementation for iOS and macOS |
PromptManager |
🚨 Alert and sheet tools for macOS and iOS |
BlurView |
🎚️ BlurView for iOS and macOS |
HybridColor |
🌓 Add dark and light mode support to swiftUI Color |
TextColorizer |
🎨 Apply multiple colors to different character types |
CameraView |
📷 Simple CameraView to capture QR-codes for SwiftUI |
HapticFeedback |
📳 Enhance your haptic brand |
NetTime |
🕑 Network time synchronization |
LocalNotification |
⚙️ Debugging background operations |
IAPManagerLib |
🛍️ Lightweight In-App-Purchase library |
UpgradeAlert |
🔔 Easily update your app |
BioAuth |
🧬 Biometric authentication kit |
TwoFa |
⏳ 2FA framework (TOTP / HOTP) |
Key |
🔑 Comprehensive KeyChain framework |
Dice |
🎲 Random string generator |
SecUserStore |
🪪 Secure user store |
Cipher |
🔏 Encryption lib (CryptoKit wrapper) |
E2EE |
🛰️ Encrypt communication with E2EE |
Logger |
📜 Simple console logger |
MockGen |
🧪 Generate mock data for testing |
SDUtil |
🗂 Makes SwiftData easier to work with |
PersistenceKit |
💎 Persistence check for iOS / macOS |
AppConfigKit |
⚙️ Easily retain or reset app config |
PasskeyLib |
🛂 Simplifies passkey storage and validation |
Telemetric |
📡 Minimal GA4 telemetrics for iOS and macOS |
CrashKit |
💥 Minimal crashlytics for iOS and macOS |
GridView |
📐 Gridify your UI |
N/A |
GAMigration |
🎞️ Google authenticator migration |
N/A |