This repository will feature personal, full-stack, projects designed with the goal to increase my ability as a software developer
- Referee Improvement App
- Reinforcement learning with AI
This app was created with React Native as the front end and Python's Flask library for the backend. As a user, you will be able to login and send improvements to referees about their performance in a game. The purpose of this project is to get an understanding of app development and learn how to integrate the React library with a Flask backend. This app will be tested with Jest for the frontend and Pytest for the backend.
This projects will be built using pythons PyGame and Pytorch libraries for reinforcement learning. It will feature the building of a snake game and then building an algorithm to train the model to play the game. The purpose of this project is to have a better understanding of ML and also be able to apply the knowledge from this project to other future projects that involve reinforcement learning. This project is from following along with the vidoe (Python + PyTorch + PyGame RL Video from freeCodeCamp)[]