is a minimal and modern Ruby/IRB console for Sinatra apps.
- Call
app.get '/'
to trigger a request - Easily call Sinatra helpers, such as
- Set ivars like
app.set(name: 'bob', age: 25)
- Use templates like
app.erb :test
from above) - Set ivars like
, thenapp.erb :test, scope: self
- Normal access to database calls, like
to show a record - Call
to show list sorted by route - Call
to show application settings
Install via rubygems
gem install sinatra-rax
Or, add to your Gemfile
using Bundler
bundle add sinatra-rax
This will add an executable in your path, which you can launch by typing rax
project/api> rax
development(main):001:0> app # an application instance (!)
=> #<Sinatra::Application:0x0000000108b1ae50
@request=#<Sinatra::Request:0x0000000108b1a838 @env={}, @params=nil>,
@template_cache=#<Tilt::Cache:0x0000000108b1aae0 @cache={}>>
development(main):002:0> # the application class
=> Sinatra::Application
development(main):003:0> app.get '/ping' # mock a request
"pong": true
=> #<Rack::MockResponse:0x00000001088f94c8
@body=["{\n \"pong\": true\n}"],
@headers={"Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Content-Length"=>"18"},
@original_headers={"Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Content-Length"=>"18"},
development(main):004:0> app.current_weather # call a helper method
=> "sunny and warm"
development(main):005:0> app.set(name: 'bob', age: 25); app.instance_variables # set instance vars
development(main):006:0> app.erb "Hello, <%= @name %> (age <%= @age %>)" # render a template
=> "Hello, bob (age 25)"
development(main):007:0> app.set(name: 'joe', age: 50).erb("Hello, <%= @name %> (age <%= @age %>)") # one step
=> "Hello, joe (age 50)"
development(main):008:0> @name = "waldo"; @age = 19; app.erb "Hello, <%= @name %> (age <%= @age %>)", scope: self # scoping
=> "Hello, waldo (age 19)"
development(main):009:0> Sponsor[2] # direct access to db models
=> #<Sponsor:0x00000001092bad40
id: 2,
slug: "tesla",
name: "Tesla",
link: "",
email: "[email protected]",
logo: "tesla-logo.png",
title: "Tesla",
heading: "Accelerating sustainable transport and electric technology",
subheading: nil,
created_at: 2023-01-12 05:06:35.751006 UTC,
updated_at: 2023-01-12 05:06:35.751006 UTC>
development(main):010:0> routes # show sorted routes and methods
get "/"
post "/access"
post "/signin"
post "/signin/assignpin"
post "/signin/changepin"
post "/signin/checkpin"
delete "/users"
get "/users"
get "/users/:id"
=> nil
development(main):011:0> props # show app settings
absolute_redirects true
add_charset ["application/javascript", "application/xml", "application/xhtml+xml", /^text\//]
app_file "/Users/shreeve/project/api/api.rb"
bind "localhost"
default_content_type "text/html"
default_encoding "utf-8"
dump_errors true
empty_path_info nil
environment :development
handler_name nil
lock false
logging false
method_override true
mustermann_opts {}
port 4567
prefixed_redirects false
protection {:reaction=>:deny, :except=>[:json_csrf, :frame_options, :xss_header, :http_origin]}
public nil
public_dir "/Users/shreeve/project/api/public"
public_folder "/Users/shreeve/project/api/public"
quiet false
raise_errors false
reload_templates true
reloader true
root "/Users/shreeve/project/api"
run false
running_server nil
server ["thin", "falcon", "puma", "HTTP", "webrick"]
session_secret "--secret--"
session_store Rack::Protection::EncryptedCookie
sessions false
show_exceptions false
static false
static_cache_control false
strict_paths false
threaded true
traps true
use_code false
views "/Users/shreeve/project/api/views"
x_cascade true
=> nil
This software is licensed under terms of the MIT License.