These are my commonly used templates so i can kick off a new project fast and focus on coding straight away.
My opinionated way that the .net core Web API with Swagger, IdentityServer4 and EfCore CodeFirst + Dapper should be done. If you wish to get documented api, that has authentication (IdentityServer4 here) and do something with the database, then this template can cut amount of setup for you.
You can install api template from nuget:
dotnet new -i Smairo.Template.Api
After that you can use it to create a solution:
dotnet new api-swagger -n "NameForYourSolution"
Dependency injection console with coreapp3.1 ready to go.
You can install console template from nuget:
dotnet new -i Smairo.Template.Console
After that you can use it to create a solution:
dotnet new smairo-console -n "NameForYourSolution" -A "NameForYourApplication"
Dependency injection azure function with v3 and timer trigger ready to go.
You can install timer function template from nuget:
dotnet new -i Smairo.Template.AzureFunction.Timer
After that you can use it to create a solution:
dotnet new smairo-function-timer -n "NameForYourSolution" -F "NameForYourFunction"
Dependency injection azure function with v3 and timer http ready to go.
You can install http function template from nuget:
dotnet new -i Smairo.Template.AzureFunction.Http
After that you can use it to create a solution:
dotnet new smairo-function-http -n "NameForYourSolution" -F "NameForYourFunction"
Dependency injection azure Durable function with v3 ready to go.
You can install durable function template from nuget:
dotnet new -i Smairo.Template.AzureFunction.Durable
After that you can use it to create a solution:
dotnet new smairo-function-durable -n "NameForYourSolution" -F "NameForYourFunction"