Geodata used in smartlab products.
The purpose of this repository is to document and maximize the automation of steps to retrieve geographic data, slice and combine the levels and resolutions in order to get topologies files as small as possible with the minimum loss of visual details.
Shapefiles and geojson will not be versioned here due to file size limitations and we'll do our best to add final topojson files to the repository.
Bear in mind that we do not provide the shapefiles, so it's possible that the geometries hold inconsistencies. In such cases, we recommend (as we do it ourselves) you fix the downloaded shapefiles and run the script again, skipping the download step - it will generate geojsons and topojsons.
Topojson files are in the topojson/br directory. Inside it, you'll find the coutry topologies in the resolution defined by the file name (e.g. uf_q1.json is the lowest quality for all brazilian states). The internal directories hold files for specific regions, according to the rule:
For instance, the uf/municipio/29_q2.json contains all municipalities for the state 29 (Bahia) in a quality level above q1 (currently, only quality levels 1 and 2 are available). The IDs used to determine file names are the same used by IBGE and, for simplicity, we added an attribute called smartlab_geo_id to unify different ID attrributes used in the original shapefiles.
Conversion to topojson is time-consuming. To speed up the process, we run multiple threads (default 8). In the near future, you'll be able to customize it.
Source: IBGE (FTP)
The script is programmed to download the shapes from IBGE FTP service.
Source: IBGE (API Localidades) -
Source: IBGE
Downloaded from:
Downloaded in Apr 28th, 2020.