Lectures, labs and all documents associated with 3D Morphometrics workshop at FHL (Summer 2019)
Computer specs: Please bring a laptop with these suggested specs:
- A quad-core CPU from last couple years (i7 or i5 is preferred).
- 1920x1080 or higher screen resolution.
- 8GB or higher RAM (memory)
- 100-200GB available storage space (for software and data). Please note that solid state drives (SSD) both SATA and non-volatile memory express (NVMe) are preferred over spinning hard-drive disks (HDD) due their high sequential read/write performance (usually 10X or more faster than HDDs).
- A discrete (not an integrated one) GPU with minimum of 2GB of RAM with the latest GPU driver installed.
- A three-buttoned mouse.
Your laptop should be running windows 10 (windows 7 has issues and is not supported anymore), or Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan) or later. A recent version of a common Linux distribution (like Ubuntu or CentOS) is also fine. Please note that segmentation is a memory intensive operation. It is suggested, you have 6-10X more memory than your full dataset size (i.e., if you are working on a 1024x1024x1024 dataset, you will need about 10GB RAM to work on in in Slicer). You can always reduce your dataset to match your hardware capacity.
Required software: You should have these software install these on your laptops before coming to workshop.
- Please download and install the latest stable (4.10.2) and the preview (4.11.X) versions of the Slicer on your computer from https://download.slicer.org. Because of the constant changes and bug fixes being introduced to preview version, we suggest installing the preview closer to the date of the workshop.
- Download and install git from https://git-scm.com/downloads
- Download and install R 3.6.0 from https://cran.r-project.org/
- Download and install Rstudio Desktop from https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/
- TurboVNC: https://sourceforge.net/projects/turbovnc/files/
Additional software: We will not use them for the workshop specifically, but you might find them useful for specific tasks:
- Drishti (mac and windows only); https://github.com/nci/drishti/releases
- Convert3d (command line tools for image conversion) https://sourceforge.net/projects/c3d/
- Dcm2niix (DICOM to nifti conversion) https://www.nitrc.org/plugins/mwiki/index.php/dcm2nii:MainPage
- Fiji https://fiji.sc/
- If you would like to use our remote server for Slicer, please review instructions
Accounts: Please create accounts on these websites prior to workshop
- MorphoSource: https://morphosource.org
- GitHub https://github.com
- Slicer Forum, https://discourse.slicer.org (alternatively you can use your github or google accounts to signup)
- Please sign up for the SlicerMorph announcement to keep up-to-date with SlicerMorph project and extension updates http://mailman11.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/slicermorph-announcements
Important Websites:
- SlicerMorph project website: https://SlicerMorph.github.io
- Summer Workshop website: https://SlicerMorph.github.io/2019_Summer_Workshop
- Summer Workshop lectures and labs https://github.com/SlicerMorph/S_2019
- Link to the file dropbox to upload your lightning talks (or any other data) https://faculty.washington.edu/maga/data_dropbox/
Development of SlicerMorph and the intense workshops are generously funded by National Science Foundation Advances in Bioinformatics collobrative research grants to Murat Maga (ABI-1759883), Adam Summers (ABI-1759637) and Doug Boyer (ABI-1759839).
- Lab 1: Tools for reproducible research (git/github)
- Lab 2: Slicer #1 UI overview, extensions, finding help
- Lab 3: Slicer #2 Data formats, importing data, saving
- Lab 4: Slicer #3 Measurements and Visualization
- Lab 5: Slicer #4 Segmentation and mesh conversion help
- Lab 6: SlicerMorph #1 Statistical Shape ANalysis
- Lab 7: SlicerMorph #1 Statistical Shape ANalysis - work on your own
- Lab 8: Python in Slicer - Scripting tedious tasks
- Lab 9: Auto3dGM - Establishing landmark-free shape correspondence
- Lab 10: Data Processing in R #1: import/export, geomorph package
- Lecture 1: Introduction to 3D Imaging and Morphometrics (Maga)
- Lecture 2: Applied Imaging Concepts (Rolfe)
- Lecture 3: Statistical Shape Analysis #1: Concepts and Basics (Maga)
- Lecture 4: Statistical Shape Analysis #2: Semi Landmarks and Beyond (Rolfe)
- Lecture 5: Computational Anatomy (Maga)
- Lecture 6: Applications of SSA: Modeling Growth (Mercan)
- Lecture 7: Auto3Dgm: Landmark-free Correspondence (Boyer)
- Lecture 8: Applications of SSA: Phylogenetics (Shan)
- Lecture 9: Machine Learning Basics (Mercan)