Releases: spicylobstergames/shotcaller-godot
Releases · spicylobstergames/shotcaller-godot
What's Changed
- New skills and visualization skill system by @OggyKUN in #167
- John main by @jrdoughty in #168
- dialog scene and merge fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #169
- ui strutcture sanitization by @rafaelcastrocouto in #170
- ui cleanup by @rafaelcastrocouto in #171
- leaders goap, menu particles, map instance by @rafaelcastrocouto in #172
- minimap fix, goap import rework by @rafaelcastrocouto in #173
- several fixes and improvements by @rafaelcastrocouto in #174
- background fix, code cleanup, goap ai by @rafaelcastrocouto in #175
- lane rework by @rafaelcastrocouto in #176
- goap retreat and lots of fixes by @rafaelcastrocouto in #177
- pre-release by @rafaelcastrocouto in #181
- 0.6 release by @rafaelcastrocouto in #182
Full Changelog: v0.5...v0.6
What's Changed
- Remove Game.Unit by adding functionality to Auto Loader by @jrdoughty in #107
- fix get block hp mod error by @rafaelcastrocouto in #112
- delete duplicate ( by @rafaelcastrocouto in #113
- remove duplicate get_units_in_radius by @rafaelcastrocouto in #114
- new leaders_icons png asset 64px by @rafaelcastrocouto in #116
- Add bokuden special skill: "Battle call" by @OggyKUN in #121
- Fix skills menu when select pawns and enemy leaders by @legendiguess in #122
- fix random leader by @rafaelcastrocouto in #124
- Fix Rollo ability by @legendiguess in #125
- fix sell button by @rafaelcastrocouto in #126
- Add poison bombs code by @OggyKUN in #128
- Change yield on timer node by @OggyKUN in #130
- fix render artifacts by @rafaelcastrocouto in #131
- fix minimap symbols and block att by @rafaelcastrocouto in #132
- error msg and line path fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #133
- Add damage over time code by @OggyKUN in #134
- Small shop fixes by @OggyKUN in #135
- fix SpriteFrames by @rafaelcastrocouto in #136
- split weapons by @rafaelcastrocouto in #137
- Calls orders_menu build_leader once by @rafaelcastrocouto in #140
- Initial GOAP Implementation by @jrdoughty in #141
- some optimization of timers by @jrdoughty in #142
- Two transitions by @bpodrygajlo in #145
- John main by @jrdoughty in #146
- Fix warnings by @rafaelcastrocouto in #147
- hud fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #149
- leak fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #150
- control restricted to player leaders by @rafaelcastrocouto in #153
- control cooldown by @rafaelcastrocouto in #154
- New menu by @bpodrygajlo in #155
- Reworked team selection menu by @bpodrygajlo in #156
- joan - new leader by @rafaelcastrocouto in #157
- optimize goap implementation by @rafaelcastrocouto in #160
- v0.5 by @rafaelcastrocouto in #162
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.4...v0.5
What's Changed
- Leader select panel by @bpodrygajlo in #59
- Team select window by @bpodrygajlo in #61
- Level, experience with hud display by @bpodrygajlo in #62
- team select cleanup by @rafaelcastrocouto in #63
- move enum to autoload by @rafaelcastrocouto in #64
- Scoreboard by @bpodrygajlo in #65
- scoreboard side flip by @rafaelcastrocouto in #66
- Add more items, unit attack_range float not int by @K1aymore in #67
- shop new items style fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #68
- Fix assists by @bpodrygajlo in #69
- Fixed an issue with the TAB button by @bpodrygajlo in #70
- item sprites by @rafaelcastrocouto in #71
- Game end screen by @bpodrygajlo in #73
- maps now use a single code class by @jrdoughty in #74
- Added modifier gain per level by @bpodrygajlo in #75
- fix game reset timers by @rafaelcastrocouto in #76
- Fix cheat console not releasing focus by @bpodrygajlo in #77
- Implement Aura of Courage by @bpodrygajlo in #78
- broke up ui into separate scenes by @jrdoughty in #79
- Made ui use scene specific names by @jrdoughty in #80
- Fix typo in team selection menu by @bpodrygajlo in #81
- Status effects by @bpodrygajlo in #82
- shadow test by @rafaelcastrocouto in #83
- Add unique item passives by @K1aymore in #84
- units opt by @rafaelcastrocouto in #85
- Add trader ability for Osman by @K1aymore in #86
- Add active skills base system by @legendiguess in #97
- fix debug warnings by @rafaelcastrocouto in #99
- fix 3lane camera and minimap sprite by @rafaelcastrocouto in #101
- new leaders for campaign - joan and lieutenant by @rafaelcastrocouto in #103
- Pinch to Zoom by @jrdoughty in #104
- fix to camera panning with mouse by @jrdoughty in #105
- prepare for 4.0 migration (start) by @rafaelcastrocouto in #106
New Contributors
- @bpodrygajlo made their first contribution in #59
- @K1aymore made their first contribution in #67
- @jrdoughty made their first contribution in #74
Full Changelog: v0.3...v0.4
What's Changed
- conquer fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #45
- legendiguess church by @rafaelcastrocouto in #46
- backwoods by @rafaelcastrocouto in #47
- nagato and osman by @rafaelcastrocouto in #48
- fog - pre shader by @rafaelcastrocouto in #49
- fog of war by @rafaelcastrocouto in #50
- small 1 lane map by @rafaelcastrocouto in #51
Full Changelog: v0.1...v0.2
0.1 mvp
Blog Post
What's Changed
- Camera limits by @rafaelcastrocouto in #15
- Add items, shop, inventory by @legendiguess in #13
- Navigation improvements by @onein50million in #14
- Onein50million creep wave fixes merge conflict by @rafaelcastrocouto in #16
- Fix merging items, lane ai and camera on the test scene by @rafaelcastrocouto in #17
- Leader selection by @rafaelcastrocouto in #18
- leader group by @rafaelcastrocouto in #19
- more leaders by @rafaelcastrocouto in #20
- leaders animations by @rafaelcastrocouto in #21
- change 'select' to choose, move bts to GUI by @rafaelcastrocouto in #22
- Make leader's inventory work by @legendiguess in #23
- stats window by @rafaelcastrocouto in #24
- improve stats window by @rafaelcastrocouto in #25
- remove drag rect; add point select by @rafaelcastrocouto in #26
- unstuck ai and attack speed by @rafaelcastrocouto in #27
- 5 leader spawn by @rafaelcastrocouto in #28
- GUI portrait and minimap by @rafaelcastrocouto in #29
- keyboard camera movement by @rafaelcastrocouto in #30
- improve ai, fix leaders spawn by @rafaelcastrocouto in #31
- minimap numbers; Leaders.selected_leader by @rafaelcastrocouto in #32
- menu bt, pause, shop to GUI, name in statsWindow by @rafaelcastrocouto in #33
- Prepare for gameplay clips by @erlend-sh in #34
- Building attack and UI align by @rafaelcastrocouto in #35
- Shotcall by @rafaelcastrocouto in #36
- shotcall to main by @rafaelcastrocouto in #37
- neutrals by @rafaelcastrocouto in #39
- Create by @erlend-sh in #38
- arrow fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #40
- zindex and button fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #41
- 0.08 by @rafaelcastrocouto in #42
- multishot fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #43
- shop fix by @rafaelcastrocouto in #44
New Contributors
- @legendiguess made their first contribution in #13
- @erlend-sh made their first contribution in #34
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.1
Shotcaller first alpha pre-release
What's Changed
- Initial MVP by @wongselent
- Change property mechanic on units by @wongselent in #1
- Added ability to pan and zoom camera by @onein50million in #2
- Adds .import folder to the .gitignore to help deal with some spam by @onein50million in #3
- Three lane and BT by @rafaelcastrocouto in #9
- smaller base by @rafaelcastrocouto in #11
- 0.0.1 cadidate by @rafaelcastrocouto in #12
New Contributors
- @wongselent made their first contribution in #1
- @onein50million made their first contribution in #2
- @rafaelcastrocouto made their first contribution in #9
Full Changelog: